Poznámky redaktora
7 second
Scope supply
- remote control.ctrl. Available until 12/2019.
- Expanding the detection range possible using auxiliary units
(accessories). 2. for controlling acoustic signal
transmitters, with switching insert. second
Ambient temperature: +35 °C
Dimensions mm
Ø 103 50
D Discontinued item.
System 2000 automatic control switch Komfort
top unit, mounting height 2.
- Test mode/short-term operation.
- Short-term operation, e.cage 2116 D309
- The System 2000 automatic control switch 360°top unit can be
operated with the System 2000 inserts release R2.
- Motion detection which can toggled between the indoors and
outdoors.detec. Available until 12/2019.20 m
System 2000 Automatic control switch 360° top unit
D Discontinued item.10m 1300 D306
COptional accessories
SM hous. Available until 12/2019.sw.20 switch 360° top unit
Specifications Order No.
- Manual actuation with auxiliary unit button, contact.
- Saving memory value with System 2000 dimming inserts.
- Light dimming, with System 2000 dimming inserts.
Technical data
Mounting height m
- Detection angle: 360°
- Detection range: approx.
Successor item: System 3000 motion detector top
unit, mounting height 2. min
Short-term operation
- Pulse duration: approx. lx
- fixed: Day mode
Locking time: approx.. Available until 12/2019.ctrl.
- Occupied-home simulation.
Gira E22 aluminium
D Aluminium (lacquered) 2302203 2302 203 1/5 02
D Discontinued item.
- Display LED.
- Nightlight function.
Successor item: System 3000 presence and motion
detector 360° top unit 5377 02
System 2000 Automatic control switch 360°top
. min
- Test mode/short-term
More information
Technical information 663
D pure white 227002 2270 02
D Discontinued item.
CNecessary accessories
See listing at
Technical data
Sensitivity: 100 %
Delay time: approx.3 second
- Pulse pause: approx. Standard 1. m
Brightness value
- adjustable: approx. is
recessed into the ceiling and monitors the area beneath it.10m 1300 D306
- remote control for setting various functions. Available until 12/2019. Available until 12/2019.20 5376 . Standard 1. The
automatic control switch 360° switches the lighting depending
upon motion and ambient brightness.
- Day mode.
D pure white 230266 2302 02
D anthracite 230267 2302 02
D colour aluminium 230265 2302 02
D Discontinued item. unit Specifications Order No. When the
delay time has expired, the lighting dimmed the minimum
brightness within seconds and then switched off.
CNecessary accessories
See listing at
- Dimming function, with dimming insert. 0.sw.308
Lighting control Automatic control switch 2. 0086 D310
Prot. second
Delay time
- adjustable: approx. unit PS
Gira electrical installation systems Price system (PS) 14: reduced discount
System 55
D cream white glossy 230201 2302 1/5 02
D pure white glossy 230203 2302 1/100 02
D pure white matt 230227 2302 1/5 02
D anthracite 230228 2302 1/5 02
D colour aluminium 230226 2302 1/5 02
D stainless steel (lacquered) 2302600 2302 600 02
D Discontinued item. With System 2000 switch
inserts, the automatic control switch 360° can used control
a bell. pres