Catalogue 2019 Intelligent building technology by Gira

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Vydal: SBS ELEKTRO s.r.o.

Strana 640 z 696

Poznámky redaktora
5W Connected load 25°C: - HV LED lamps (leading edge) - HV LED lamps (trailing edge) - Compact fluorescent lamps - Light bulbs, - halogen, - Gira Tronic transformers - Electronic transformer with NV-LED - Wound transformer - Wound transformer with NV-LED typically 100W typically 200W typically 100W 20 420W 20 420W 20 420W typically 100W 20 420VA typically 100VA Total length Auxiliary unit cable: Load cable: max. Notes: For operation without neutral conductor, the minimum load for light bulbs, halogen lamps, Tronic transformers, inductive transformers and mixed loads ohmic-capacitive ohmic-inductive increases from 20W 50W. . If there neutral conductor the installation site, the dimmer can also operated without neutral conductor. 100m 5400 00 AC 230 V~ L N LED N L Connection System 3000 universal LED dimming insert Standard Notes: For operation without neutral conductor, the minimum load for light bulbs, halogen lamps, Tronic transformers, inductive transformers and mixed loads ohmic-capacitive ohmic-inductive increases from 20W 50W.1 0. 5401 00 Technical data Rated voltage UN : 230V~, 50/60Hz Ambient temperature: -5°C +45°C Standby power: 0. 5400 00 Technical data Rated voltage UN : 230V~, 50/60Hz Ambient temperature: -5°C +45°C Standby power: 0. 100m 5401 00 AC 230 ~ N L 1 ~ LED Connection System 3000 universal LED dimming insert Komfort 5401 00 AC 230 ~ N L 1 5408 00 1 5409 00 1 0151 00 ~ LED Connection various auxiliary unit inserts System 3000 universal LED dimming insert Komfort. System 3000 Universal LED dimming insert Komfort Order No. this case, may increasingly result unsuitable combinations dimmers and HV-LED lamps. 100m max.5W Connected load 25°C: - HV LED lamps (leading edge) - HV LED lamps (trailing edge) - Compact fluorescent lamps - Light bulbs, - halogen, - Gira Tronic transformers - Electronic transformer with NV-LED - Wound transformer - Wound transformer with NV-LED typically 60W typically 120W typically 60W 20 210W 20 210W 20 210W typically 60W 20 210VA typically 60VA Total length Load cable: max. this case, may increasingly result unsuitable combinations dimmers and HV-LED lamps. If there neutral conductor the installation site, the dimmer can also operated without neutral conductor.1 0.638 Gira electrical installation systems Flush-mounted inserts System 3000 I Technical information System 3000 Universal LED dimming insert Standard Order No