Catalogue 2019 Intelligent building technology by Gira

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Vydal: SBS ELEKTRO s.r.o.

Strana 639 z 696

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Notes Operation via auxiliary units buttons possible. n 2455 5408 5409 0151 00 LED a) b) Connection options Universal LED rotary dimming insert Komfort and auxiliary units a) LED display dimming principle (see table) b) “Dimming mode” (operating mode) button n Further auxiliary units. 2W Connected load: - LED lamps - Compact fluorescent lamps - Light bulbs - halogen - Gira Tronic transformers - Electronic transformer with NV-LED - Wound transformer - Wound transformer with NV-LED typically 60W typically 60W 20 210W 20 210W 20 210W typically 60W 20 210VA typically 60VA Number auxiliary units: auxiliary units possible Entire length load cables: max. N L ~ 1 System 3000 Universal LED rotary dimming insert Komfort Order No.637 Gira electrical installation systems System 3000 Flush-mounted inserts I Technical information N L ~ System 3000 Universal LED rotary dimming insert Standard Order No. Operation without neutral conductor possible. 0. 2455 00 Technical data Rated voltage UN : 230V~, 50/60Hz Ambient temperature: Standby power: Power loss: -5°C +45°C approx.35W approx. button - System 3000 auxiliary unit 5409 00 Unlimited 5 Total length Auxiliary unit cable: max. 4W Connected load: - LED lamps (leading edge) - LED lamps (trailing edge) - Compact fluorescent lamps - Light bulbs - halogen - Gira Tronic transformers - Electronic transformer with NV-LED - Wound transformer - Wound transformer with NV-LED typically 100W typically 200W typically 100W 20 420W 20 420W 20 420W typically 100W 20 420VA typically 100VA Number auxiliary units: - System 3000 auxiliary unit 5408 00, mech. 2450 00 Technical data Rated voltage UN : 230V~, 50/60Hz Ambient temperature: Standby power: Power loss: -5°C +45°C approx. 100m AC 230 V~ 2450 00 LED Connection universal LED dimming insert Standard Note Operation without neutral conductor possible. 100m Entire length load cables: max.35W approx. 0. Operating modes: R, LED (factory preset) HV LED (trailing edge), inductive transformers not permissible HV LED (leading edge), inductive transformers not permissible LED Dimming mode GN (green) LED RD (red) LED (trailing edge) BU (blue) LED (leading edge) Assignment LED colour “Dimming mode” . 100m AC 230 V~