Catalogue 2019 Intelligent building technology by Gira

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Vydal: SBS ELEKTRO s.r.o.

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The server hosting the Gira device portal located Germany and subject European data protection law. The Gira can identify whether access has been enabled and whether maintenance currently being performed.478 Gira electrical installation systems Gira S1 Secure remote access through encryption and compliance with the European data protection standard The remote access icon the app’s status bar show users that secure remote access active. Gira has now finally put end that. There’s need for complicated VPN connection setups router configuration. This ensures that the European General Data Protection Regulation upheld. Access control and access management users retain full control who accesses their Smart Home system. Unlike VPN, the Gira allows users enable specific access to their Smart Home system for the purposes maintenance. The Gira can course also report other KNX events your Smart home. You can also remotely edit the entire HomeServer project using Expert the entire KNX system using ETS. the touch single button in the GPA, you’re connected the remote system and can update the GPA configuration the desired firmware. Feel secure using your KNX Smart Home the go Switch off the lights when you’re the go, check camera images, turn the heating, lower the blinds while secure the knowledge that unauthorised access the communications impossible: The Gira lets users easily connect their KNX Smart Home from anywhere. Transparency that creates trust. Gira HomeServer Gira DCS IP data interface GDPR-compliant Gira X1/Gira L1 Gira Alarm security system Connect . Simply start the Gira Gira HomeServer app and the Gira takes care the rest together with the Gira device portal. (* incurs charges) App control for users can’t get any simpler – they needn’t lift finger In the past, setting secure connection Smart Home required you activate VPN your smartphone settings enable the Smart Home app. And it’s absolutely safe thanks encrypted communication. The Gira automatically sets a secure connection from the smartphone the Smart Home. Remote maintenance has never been easier The Gira the ideal device for easily, quickly and securely carrying out remote maintenance. The Gira can send your customers email, text message* voicemail* soon as maintenance commences and when finished. The Gira also facilitates secure remote access web-based visualisations. Users now need nothing more than start their Gira Smart Home app Gira HomeServer app