Certifikáty krabicové svorky WAGO 221

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This Notification of Test Results is the result of testing a sample of the product subrrft ed, in acc rdancewith the provisions of the relevant specific standard.

Vydal: WAGO Elektro spol. s r.o. Autor: DEKRA

Strana 1 z 26

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EG itember 1973 amended^on 29t.com Company registration 09085396 . Box 5185, 6802 Arnhem, The Netherlands T +31 83000 +31 83100 www. Strikwerda Certification Manager © integrál publication this attestatlon and adjoining reports allowed CCA CENELEC CERTIFtCAVONAGREEMENT ACCORD CERTIFICATtONDU CENELEC DEKRA Certification B.V. KG Hansastrasse 27, 32423 Minden/Westfaien, Germany 450 0,14 mm2flexible, 0,2 mm2- mm2 Additional Information: Pre-licence factory inspection carried out by DEKRA Certification B.dekra-certificatian.V. This Notification Test Results has been Certification Agreement (CCA) 11th Šeptember 1 establisheti body, whicb participates fn^the CENE .K/Ma/ch/1/983. F.V. ■body Arnhem, February 2014 Number: NTR NL-7223 DEKRA Certification B. Meander 1051, 6825 Amhem P. A sample the product has been tested and found conformity with the current HD/EN and equivafent national standard As shown the Test Report 2168803.iforrríity á national approval specified the CCA, long the standard referred above stil; force the country that body. Any/otheryn participating the CCA wi!i take this Notification basis forygranting nMionaí márk of/co..S.50 This Notification Test Results the result testing sample the product subrrft ed, acc rdance with the provisions the relevant specific standard.1""I'i)'i'i'í'I|ii11TjTn^-"r—11pa—iisJŠÍ vaaaa< NOTIFICATION TEST RESULTS Issued to: For the product: Trade name: Type/Model; Manufactured by: Ratings: Wago-Kontakttechnik GmbH Co.O. KG Hansastrasse 27, 32423 Minden/Westfalen, Germany Splicing wire connecíors WAGO 221-412, 221-413 and 221-415 Wago-Kontakttechnik GmbH Co