Catalogue 2019 Intelligent building technology by Gira

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Vydal: SBS ELEKTRO s.r.o.

Strana 667 z 696

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5. 0.. Detection through doors, glass panes thin walls possible. g. 0. Technical data Rated voltage: 230/240V~ Mains frequency: 50/60Hz Operating efficiency: - Device - LED orientation light max.2W Contact type: Soft start: ε Leading edge Contact rating 25°C: - Light bulb: - halogen lamps: - Tronic transformers: - LED lamps: 400W 400W 400W typically 100W Range detection: - Immediate area - Distant area approx. 60min. 2378.8GHz < mW Ambient temperature: 0°C +50°C Connection N L N L N L Connection with auxiliary unit . - The direction motion affects detection (see following diagram). Direction motion Sensotec LED Order No. 0. m ca. 4m Brightness: 1000 lx Delay time: Transmission frequency: Transmission power 1s.8GHz < mW Ambient temperature: 0°C +50°C Range detection ca.665 Gira electrical installation systems Sensotec Lighting control I Technical information Sensotec Order No. - Generally speaking, reflective materials, the speed movement and the type object (person, animal, possession) can affect the reliability of detection. cover frames, metal doors and frames, alumin- ium blinds, etc..5W max. - Metallic surfaces, e.5W Contact type: Soft start: ε Leading edge Contact rating 25°C: - Light bulb: - halogen lamps: - LED lamps: Power reduction 10% 4 300W 4 300W typically 60W per 5°C 25°C Range detection: - Immediate area - Distant area approx. ca. The following may disrupt perfect functioning: - Vibrations, which may result undesired activation. Technical data Rated voltage: 230/240V~ Mains frequency: 50/60Hz Operating efficiency: - Device max. 4 m Detection: Close-up range Long range Installation site Recommended mounting height 1., which can affect detection through attenuation or reflection. 5cm approx. 5. 60min. 4m Brightness: 1000 lx Delay time: Transmission frequency: Transmission power 1s.10m. 2376. 5cm approx