Catalogue 2019 Intelligent building technology by Gira

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Vydal: SBS ELEKTRO s.r.o.

Strana 665 z 696

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30 m Mounting height to 1. 1. 180° approx. 0661. 180° Switch-on duration: approx.2 m Mounting height to 2. 10sec to 30min Brightness value: approx. ..10 Technical data Angle detection: approx. Komfort top unit Order No.10m: 1.2 m 7.. 150 lx Sensitivity: approx 20% 100% approx 20% 100% Ambient temperature: -20°C +45°C -20°C +45°C Detection ranges Mounting height to 1. 180° Switch-on duration: approx. However, motion detection best when the moving object interrupts as many detection beams possible. 150 approx.20m: 2.10m: 7.20 2. 1300. 2301.10m: 10 m 12 m Standard top unit Order No.. 2.10 m 6 m Mounting height to 2.. 10sec to 30min Brightness value: approx. The installation position should be chosen accordingly. 200 approx.20 Technical data Angle detection: approx.10 m 12 m 5. Komfort top unit Order No.10 1. 200 lx Sensitivity: approx 20% 100% Ambient temperature: -15°C +45°C -15°C +45°C Detection ranges Mounting height to 1. 2min approx.20m: 12 m 12 m Selecting installation site Direction travel and motion detection In principle, automatic control switches can installed instead nor- mal light switches, for example, directly next entry doors.10m: 1. 2min approx.20 m 12 m Mounting height to 1. 2302. 180° approx.663 Gira electrical installation systems System 2000 motion detector Lighting control I Technical information Standard top unit Order No