Catalogue 2019 Intelligent building technology by Gira

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Vydal: SBS ELEKTRO s.r.o.

Strana 529 z 696

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Operation emergency lighting - - Integration the device into DALI emergency lighting systems.5 mm²: max. - - Support DALI emergency light converters accordance with EN 62386-202 (individual battery-operated emergency lights with DALI interface): Function test, continuous operation test, limited continuous operation test, query the battery charge. - - Group feedback all switching conditions possible. - - Behaviour can set for the end emergency mode. Scope supply - - KNX connection and junction terminal included the scope of supply. - - Feedback DALI error status DALI short circuit and signalling of power supply failure. Operation emergency lighting - - Suitable for operation emergency lighting systems. KNX DALI gateway Tunable White Plus . mm² Cable lengths between gateway and operating device - - 1. ETS plug-in - - DALI initial start-up without additional software comnponents. - - Brightness and colour temperature adjustable during activate emergency mode. - - Short-circuit protection, overvoltage protection, overload protection. Technical data KNX medium: TP1-256 Rated voltage - - AC: 110 240 AC, 50/60 Hz - - DC: 110 240 V Power loss: max. - - different addressing types enable control of individual grouped DALI lights via KNX telegrams. - - DALI power-ON level and DALI system-failure level can set. - - Time functions (switch-on/switch-off delay, staircase light function also with advance warning function). Control switching condition and brightness. - - Manual operation independent the bus (building site operation with broadcast control). With block function, the flashing of light groups possible. - - VDE approval accordance with 60669-1, 60669-2-1. 210800 2108 66 Features - - Control lights and other applications with DALI operating units in KNX installations. Group and device functions - - Switching and brightness value: Active passive feedback functions. - - Monitoring for failure the general power supply. - - Effect control for realising dynamic lighting moods. 174 m - - 0. effects with effect steps each. The DALI gateway able integrate DALI standard operating devices for lighting control accordance with IEC 62386-101 (DALI system) and IEC 62386-102 (control gear) emergency light centrally-powered emergency lighting systems. - - Adjustment colour temperature for lights with DALI Device Type (Colour Type: Colour Temperature) for Tunable White according IEC 62386-209. - - Online offline configuration the DALI devices using ETS plug-in. W Connections - - KNX: Connection and junction terminal - - DALI: Screw terminals - - max. - - Assignment individual devices groups also without programming connection the device. - - Feedback can delayed until after the recovery bus voltage. Control colour temperature vial relative absolute dimming and also via scenes and effects. - - Bulb-saving switch-on and switch-off - - Dimming behaviour can parameterised.75 mm²: max. - - Switching and dimming maximum lights with DALI operating devices. - - Central switching function. - - Elapsed operating time meter. - - Bulb-saving switch-on and switch-off - - Block function forced setting function can parameterised. - - independent DALI groups are available for group addressing. - - Brightness range can set. Identification, addressing and assigning DALI operating devices takes place the ETS plug-in. - - Control colour temperature via absolute dimming and relative dimming, dimming behaviour can parameterised, adjustable minimum and maximum colour temperature, feedback for current and invalid colour temperature.0 mm²: max. These can expanded individually addressable DALI device channels. - - Control and monitoring individual-battery and centrally- supplied DALI emergency lighting systems. - - light scenes. unit Specifications Order No. - - Compatibility check DALI device type for assigning DALI operating devices. - - Replacement individual defective DALI device possible during operation without ETS. - - Control DALI operating devices device type "Colour Control" (DALI Device Type Colour Type: Colour Temperature) specific configuration "Tunable White (TW)". any case, the user professional planner should ensure that the specific guidelines are observed. - - Dimming behaviour and dimming characteristics can be parameterised. - - Time functions (switch-on/off delay, expanded staircase function advance warning function accordance with DIN 18015-2 reduced continuous lighting). - - Central control all connected DALI components possible (broadcast).527 Dimming KNX Specifications Order No. 300 m - - 1.1 (recommendation) with ETS from version "d". Group and device functions - - Switching and brightness value: Active (send the bus case of change cyclically) passive (object can read out) feedback functions. - - Setting brightness limits (minimum brightness maximum brightness). - - Reactions case bus voltage failure and restoration can be set following ETS programming process.5 mm²: max. - - Elapsed operating time meter forward and backward counter with limit value evaluation. 116 m Ambient temperature: +45 °C Dimensions - - Modular widths (MW): 4 Notes - - Operation emergency lighting systems: Statutory and normative specifications vary country. - - Reading the DALI device state out via KNX. 238 m - - 0. - - Block function alternatively forced setting function can be parameterised for each group. unit PS Price system (PS) 14: reduced discount Gira electrical installation systems KNX system devices, actuators, sensors - - Group feedback all switching conditions possible. Timer enabling starting and stopping effects independent time and day the week. - - Configuration and start-up the device from ETS 4