Catalogue 2019 Intelligent building technology by Gira

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Vydal: SBS ELEKTRO s.r.o.

Strana 519 z 696

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- - current measurement can carried out for each channel. - - Current detection: Measurement load current for each channel. DRA plus 104500 1045 1/100 26 Features - - The switching contacts the switching actuator, 4-gang, C-load are especially designed for loads with capacitive character, and therefore conditional, brief, high switch-on currents (see Technical Data). Technical data Relay - - Number: 4 - - Contact: zero-voltage contact each, flip-flop Switching capacity - - 230 AC1 AC3 - - 400 AC1 AC3 - - DC: A/24 V Maximum switch-on current: 400 150 µs, 200 600 µs Connected load - - Ohmic load: 3600 W - - Capacitive load 230 max. mm² Current detection: 0. 140 µF - - Light bulbs: 2500 W - - halogen lamps: 2500 W - - Wound transformer: 1200 VA - - Gira Tronic transformer: 1500 W - - Fluorescent lamps, uncompensated: 2500 VA - - Fluorescent lamps, duo- circuit: 2300 VA - - Fluorescent lamps, parallel- compensated: 1300 VA - - Mercury-vapour lamps, uncompensated: 2000 W - - Mercury-vapour lamps, parallel-compensated: 2000 W Connections: max. signalling load failure). mm² Dimensions - - Modular widths (MW): 4 Scope supply - - KNX connection and junction terminal included the scope of supply. unit Specifications Order No. 200 µF - - Light bulbs: 3680 W - - halogen lamps: 3680 W - - Wound transformer: 2000 VA - - Gira Tronic transformer: 2500 W - - Fluorescent lamps, uncompensated: 3680 VA - - Fluorescent lamps, duo- circuit: 3680 VA - - Fluorescent lamps, parallel- compensated: 2500 VA - - Mercury-vapour lamps, uncompensated: 3680 W - - Mercury-vapour lamps, parallel-compensated: 3680 W Connections: max. - - Independent switching the four outputs. unit PS Price system (PS) 14: reduced discount Gira electrical installation systems KNX system devices, actuators, sensors DRA plus 100400 1004 1/100 66 Features - - Independent switching the four outputs. - - Threshold values for load monitoring (e. KNX switching actuator, 4-gang with manual actuation KNX switching actuator, 4-gang with manual actuation and current measurement for C-loads .g.517 Switching KNX Specifications Order No. - - The switching actuator has integrated current detection.25 sine Dimensions - - Modular widths (MW): 4 Scope supply - - KNX connection and junction terminal included the scope of supply. Technical data Relay - - Number: 4 - - Contact: zero-voltage contact each, flip-flop Switching capacity 230 AC1 AC3 Switching capacity 400 AC1 AC3 Switching capacity - - DC: A/24 V Maximum switch-on current: 600 150 µs, 300 600 µs Connected load - - Ohmic load: 3680 W - - Capacitive load 230 max