Catalogue 2019 Intelligent building technology by Gira

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Vydal: SBS ELEKTRO s.r.o.

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motion detec. 360° top 5377 D267 Features - - Protective cage for presence detector - - Lacquered, plastic-coated steel cage.detec.Standard 2105 D497 Pres. Technical data Dimensions mm Ø 180 90 224100 2241 06 CNecessary accessories One the following articles: Pres.Mini Komfort 2225 D495 Brightn.Komfort top 0317 D309 Pres.cont.Komfort 2. Accessories IR remote control PIR KNX Surface-mounted housing for KNX presence detector Protective cage Mounting kit for flush-mounted installation Mounting kit for surface-mounted installation .Komfort 2106 D497 S3000 pres.sw.Mini Standard 2220 D494 Pres. Technical data Dimensions mm Ø 103 18 pure white 211600 2116 01 COptional accessories Auto.detec.Komfort 2106 D497 KNX motion detec. Technical data Dimensions mm - - Design ring: 3 Notes - - Use only for the KNX presence detector Mini KNX brightness controller Mini. Technical data Dimensions Housing - - Housing: 49 - - Design ring: 3 Notes - - Use only for the KNX presence detector Mini KNX brightness controller Mini.detec. 224200 2242 06 CNecessary accessories One the following articles: Pres.detec.20 2051 D501 Features - - Infrared remote control for manual operation and setting the KNX presence detector Comfort.Mini Komfort 2225 D495 Pres. Mini 2210 D502 Features - - For installation device box.detec.Standard 2105 D496 Pres.detec.10 2050 D499 KNX motion detec.Mini Standard 2220 D494 Pres.Mini Komfort 2225 D495 Brightn.detec. unit PS Price system (PS) 14: reduced discount Gira electrical installation systems KNX presence and motion detector 211500 2115 06 CNecessary accessories One the following articles: Pres.detec.cont. pure white 211002 2110 06 CNecessary accessories One the following articles: Pres.detec.detec.503 Accessories KNX presence and motion detector Specifications Order No.ctrl. 360° 2270 D308 Pres. Mini 2210 D502 Features - - For surface-mounted installation the ceiling.detec.Komfort 2106 D497 Features - - For mounting the ceiling.Komfort 1. unit Specifications Order No