Catalogue 2019 Intelligent building technology by Gira

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Vydal: SBS ELEKTRO s.r.o.

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Technical data Dimensions Housing - - Housing: 49 - - Design ring: 3 Notes - - Use only for the KNX presence detector Mini KNX brightness controller Mini. Mini 2210 D502 Features - - For installation device box. Accessories IR remote control PIR KNX Surface-mounted housing for KNX presence detector Protective cage Mounting kit for flush-mounted installation Mounting kit for surface-mounted installation .Mini Komfort 2225 D495 Brightn. 360° top 5377 D267 Features - - Protective cage for presence detector - - Lacquered, plastic-coated steel cage.Komfort 2.Mini Komfort 2225 D495 Pres. unit PS Price system (PS) 14: reduced discount Gira electrical installation systems KNX presence and motion detector 211500 2115 06 CNecessary accessories One the following articles: Pres.20 2051 D501 Features - - Infrared remote control for manual operation and setting the KNX presence detector Comfort.Komfort 1.Komfort 2106 D497 S3000 pres. Mini 2210 D502 Features - - For surface-mounted installation the ceiling.Komfort 2106 D497 KNX motion detec. unit Specifications Order No. 224200 2242 06 CNecessary accessories One the following articles: Pres. motion detec. 360° 2270 D308 Pres.ctrl.detec.Standard 2105 D496 Pres.detec.detec.detec.Komfort top 0317 D309 Pres.detec. Technical data Dimensions mm - - Design ring: 3 Notes - - Use only for the KNX presence detector Mini KNX brightness controller Mini.Komfort 2106 D497 Features - - For mounting the ceiling.detec.detec.Mini Komfort 2225 D495 Brightn.10 2050 D499 KNX motion detec.detec.detec.detec.detec. Technical data Dimensions mm Ø 103 18 pure white 211600 2116 01 COptional accessories Auto.sw.cont.Standard 2105 D497 Pres.503 Accessories KNX presence and motion detector Specifications Order No.Mini Standard 2220 D494 Pres. pure white 211002 2110 06 CNecessary accessories One the following articles: Pres.Mini Standard 2220 D494 Pres.cont. Technical data Dimensions mm Ø 180 90 224100 2241 06 CNecessary accessories One the following articles: Pres