Catalogue 2019 Intelligent building technology by Gira

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Poznámky redaktora
- - Standard D96 - - D103 - - Event D118 - - Esprit D132 - - ClassiX D146 - - E22 aluminium D155 COptional accessories Sup. 1127 D450 In. 2-g w/o 1002 . 2204 D442 One the following articles: Cov. 2-g w/o 1002 . 2136 D438 Rocker set 6-g (3+3) 2186 D440 Rocker set 6-g (3+3) inscr.sp. 2133 D438 Rocker set 3-g 2183 D440 Rocker set 3-g inscr.sheets 1090 D232 System 55, Gira E22 Start-up rocker 513400 5134 1/100 46 CNecessary accessories Bus coup. 2134 D438 Rocker set 4-g (1+3) 2184 D440 Rocker set 4-g (1+3) inscr.sp. 2203 D441 COptional accessories In. unit Specifications Order No. 2206 D442 One the following articles: Cov.sheets 1090 D232 KNX pushbutton sensor Komfort 2-gang (1+1) KNX pushbutton sensor Komfort, 3-gang KNX pushbutton sensor Komfort, 4-gang (1+3) KNX pushbutton sensor Komfort, 6-gang (3+3) .3 2008 D432 One the following articles: Rocker set 6-g (3+3) in.sp. 1127 D450 In. wall - - Standard D96 - - D103 - - Event D118 - - Esprit D132 - - ClassiX D146 - - E22 aluminium D155 COptional accessories Sup.. - - Standard D96 - - D103 - - Event D118 - - Esprit D132 - - ClassiX D146 - - E22 aluminium D155 COptional accessories Sup. 1127 D450 In. 2132 D438 Rocker set 2-g (1+1) 2182 D439 Rocker set 2-g (1+1) sens. wall transm.3 2008 D432 One the following articles: Rocker set 3-g in. 2-g w/o 1002 .sheets 1090 D232 System 55, Gira E22 Start-up rocker 513600 5136 1/100 46 CNecessary accessories Bus coup. unit PS Price system (PS) 14: reduced discount Gira electrical installation systems KNX operating devices System 55, Gira E22 Start-up rocker 513200 5132 1/100 46 CNecessary accessories Bus coup.435 Pushbutton sensor Komfort KNX operating devices Specifications Order No. 2202 D441 One the following articles: 2008 D432 One the following articles: Rocker set 4-g (1+3) in.3 2008 D432 One the following articles: Rocker set 2-g in..ring sens.sheets 1090 D232 System 55, Gira E22 Start-up rocker 513300 5133 1/5 46 CNecessary accessories Bus coup.ring sens. wall transm