Poznámky redaktora
- Inscription space illumination for rocker sets with inscription
space. 2201 D441
COptional accessories
In. The suitable rocker set for the design line must
be ordered separately.
- Blocker for blocking individual button rocker functions. for reducing brightness in
bedrooms night).
- Illumination inscription space ON, OFF, automatic switch-off,
or switchable via object. 2132 D438
Rocker set 2-g (1+1) 2182 D439
Rocker set 2-g (1+1) inscr.sheets 1090 D232
Scope supply
- Blank inscription labels included.
System 55, Gira E22
Start-up rocker 511300 5113 1/5 06
System 55
Start-up rocker 511300 5113 1/5 06
CNecessary accessories
Bus coup.
- Communication object for brightness control status LED and
illumination inscription space (e.ring sens. 2133 D438
Rocker set 3-g 2183 D440
Rocker set 3-g inscr.sp. 2203 D441
COptional accessories
- Integrated temperature sensor for measuring and forwarding the
ambient room temperature.3 2008 D432
One the following articles:
Rocker set 3-g in.sheets 1090 D232
Scope supply
- Blank inscription labels included.
Scope supply
- Blank inscription labels included.com. 1127 D450
Technical data
KNX medium: TP1-256
Ambient temperature: +45 °C
Protection class: III
- Professional labelling with the Gira Inscription Service www. unit Specifications Order No.
- Alarm message displayed through all LEDs flashing. 2202 D441
One the following articles:
- Rocker function: Switching, dimming, blind control, value
transmitter 1-byte, value transmitter 2-byte, scene auxiliary unit,
and room temperature controller auxiliary unit.
- Rocker button function can set for each operating surface.3 2008 D432
One the following articles:
Rocker set 2-g in.
- Two multicoloured status LEDs per operating surface.
- Standard D96
- D103
- Event D118
- Esprit D132
- ClassiX D146
- E22 aluminium D155
COptional accessories
marking.3 2008 D432
One the following articles:
Rocker set 1-g in.
- Disassembly safeguard screw connection.
System 55, Gira E22
Start-up rocker 513100 5131 1/5 46
CNecessary accessories
Bus coup. 2-g w/o 1002 .sp.
- Multicoloured status LED (red, green, blue) can configured
globally separately.gira.sp.434
KNX operating devices Pushbutton sensor Basis sensor Komfort
Specifications Order No.
- Mounting bus coupler 3.
- Controller auxiliary unit: Operating mode changeover with normal
and high priority, defined selection operating mode, toggle
between various operating modes, switching presence
condition, setpoint offset.
- The pushbutton sensor supplied with program-neutral
start-up rocker. superimposed function can activated
on the bus whereby the colour and display information of
individual status LEDs can modified according priority.sheets 1090 D232
KNX pushbutton sensor Basis, 2-gang (1+1)
KNX pushbutton sensor Basis, 3-gang
Pushbutton sensor Komfort System 55
KNX pushbutton sensor Komfort, 1-gang
.fr..g. 2131 D437
Rocker set 1-g 2181 D438
Rocker set 1-g inscr. unit PS
Gira electrical installation systems Price system (PS) 14: reduced discount
System 55, Gira E22
Start-up rocker 511200 5112 06
CNecessary accessories
Bus coup.
- Button function: Switching, dimming, blind control, value
transmitter 1-byte, value transmitter 2-byte, scene auxiliary unit,
and room temperature controller auxiliary unit. wall transm