Material: Steel, ZnAlMg.
Clip bracket 20/72/92 8428031160456 CSU4578120
Adjustable bracket sets
Adjustable bracket set for wall-mounted installations.To used combination with U-profile (CSU4548420) for wall-mounted
Pendant bracket 100 87/50/160 8428031160869 CSU4548910
Pendant bracket 150 87/50/210 8428031160876 CSU4548915
Pendant bracket 200 87/50/260 8428031160883 CSU4548920
Pendant bracket 300 94/50/360 8428031160890 CSU4548930
Pendant bracket 400 100/50/460 8428031160906 CSU4548940
Pendant bracket 500 110/50/560 8428031160913 CSU4548950
Pendant bracket 600 110/50/660 8428031160920 CSU4548960
OEM bracket
Support used direct the mesh trays fixed the bottom the models 35x100/150/200/300 and 70x100/150.
Material: Steel, ZnAlMg. can
also fixed the side the models 70x100/150.
Adjustable bracket set 100 140/55/162 8428031160340 CSU4558510
Adjustable bracket set 150 140/55/212 8428031160357 CSU4558515
Adjustable bracket set 200 140/55/262 8428031160364 CSU4558520
Adjustable bracket set 300 140/55/362 8428031160371 CSU4558530
Adjustable bracket set 400 140/55/462 8428031160685 CSU4558540
Adjustable bracket set 500 140/55/562 8428031160388 CSU4558550
Adjustable bracket set 600 140/55/662 8428031160395 CSU4558560
OEM bracket 65/20/60 3606480454349 CSU4572725
.To used with pendant brackets. Mesh tray fixed the bracket bolted
fixings (CSU4568120).CaG15.
Wall-mounted bracket for 60x60
Clip-on bracket used horizontal wall bracket for 60x60 mesh trays.Four bolts (4572110) are required fix the bracket the U-profile. Mesh tray fixed the bracket bolted fixings
(CSU4568120).1EN_14Jul2022 37
Performa Zinc+
Wall support
Type Dimensions
A/B/C (mm)
Qty per
EAN code Ref. Fixed the wall for wall-mounted installations.
Material: Steel, ZnAlMg. One set includes one bracket, one adjustable
support and four screws for fixing the bracket the support. No. From 100 600 width.
Material: Steel, ZnAlMg.
U-profile 30/55/1000 8428031161019 CSU4548420
Pendant brackets
Pendant bracket from 100 600 width.
Material: Steel, ZnAlMg