Poznámky redaktora
The test was performed and
certified the IBMB institute. IBMB is
short for “Institut für Baustoffe, Masivbau
und Brandschutz” department the
Institute Technology the University
of Braunschweig Germany which for
decades has performed public testing to
establish fire resistance ratings.CaG15. The trays with accessories and Dätwyler Pyrofil KERAM E30 and
E90 cables were tested for minutes temperature 1000ºC
(in accordance with the conditions DIN 4102-12) maintaining circuit
integrity against fire.
The Performa products exceeded the fire resistance test, qualifying
for the highest level resistance proposed this standard the
.1EN_14Jul2022 13
The importance fire
About the test
The longer mesh trays are resistant fire, the longer the electric
system will able operate normally. doesn’t, it’s very likely
that critical emergency services, such fire suppression systems,
emergency lighting, ventilation and other basic installations also
stop working. choosing Performa products with E30 and E90
certification you will help decrease the number casualties the
event fire.
E90 helps
time, the
event fire.
Performa tested and certified for both
E30 and E90