Poznámky redaktora
No. Screw-less.
Four bolts (4571110) are required fix the bracket the U-profile.The mesh tray fixed pulling the wires
in the flaps, and then folding the flaps with tool fix the mesh tray.
Material: Steel, pre-galvanized.
U-profile 30/55/1000 8428031037987 4551420
Pendant brackets
Pendant bracket from 100 600 width. Mesh tray fixed the bracket bolted fixings (4561120). For the 2000 and 3000 widths, the threaded rods should placed all along the
brackets, with maximum distance between them 950 mm.CaG15.1EN_14Jul2022 23
Wall support
Type Dimensions
A/B/C (mm)
Qty per
EAN code Ref. Material: Steel, pre-galvanized. Mesh tray fixed the bracket bolted fixings (4561120).
Material: Steel, pre-galvanized. Material: Steel, pre-galvanized. From 100 600 width.
External corner support 165/85/140 8428031159764 CSU4551095
Internal corner support 165/30/150 8428031159757 CSU4551090
OEM bracket
Support used direct the mesh trays fixed the bottom the models 35x100/150/200/300 and 70x100/150.To used with pendant brackets. One set includes one bracket, one adjustable
support and four screws for fixing the bracket the support.To ensure the values shown the chart
"Admissible working-load brackets" page for 400 widths and upwards, two brackets must mounted together
back-to-back using bolts (4721912). Material: Steel, pre-galvanized. Intended used together with horizontal barckets.To used combination with U-profile (4551420) for wall-mounted installations.
Adjustable bracket set 100 140/55/162 8428031038090 4551510
Adjustable bracket set 150 140/55/212 8428031038106 4551515
Adjustable bracket set 200 140/55/262 8428031038113 4551520
Adjustable bracket set 300 140/55/362 8428031038137 4551530
Adjustable bracket set 400 140/55/462 8428031038144 4551540
Adjustable bracket set 500 140/55/562 8428031038168 4551550
Adjustable bracket set 600 140/55/662 8428031038175 4551560
Support for box bracket 20/92/72 8428031039301 4571120
Adjustable bracket sets
Adjustable bracket set for wall-mounted installations.
Wall-mounted bracket for 60x60
Clip-on bracket used horizontal wall bracket for 60x60 mesh trays. Fixed the wall for wall-mounted installations.
Fast-fix suspended bracket 150 20/40/250 8438031140495 4530510
Fast-fix suspended bracket 200 20/40/300 8438031140501 4530520
Fast-fix suspended bracket 300 20/40/400 8438031140518 4530530
Fast-fix suspended bracket 400 20/40/500 8438031140525 4530540
Fast-fix suspended bracket 500 20/40/600 8438031140532 4530550
Fast-fix suspended bracket 600 20/40/700 8438031140549 4530560
Fast-fix suspended bracket 1000 20/40/1000 8438031140556 4530570
Fast-fix suspended bracket 2000 20/40/2000 8438031140563 4530580
Fast-fix suspended bracket 3000 20/40/3000 8438031140570 4530590
Pendant bracket 100 87/50/160 8428031039790 4551910
Pendant bracket 150 87/50/210 8428031039806 4551915
Pendant bracket 200 87/50/260 8428031039813 4551920
Pendant bracket 300 94/50/360 8428031039837 4551930
Pendant bracket 400 100/50/460 8428031039844 4551940
Pendant bracket 500 110/50/560 8428031039868 4551950
Pendant bracket 600 110/50/660 8428031039875 4551960
Corner supports
External and internal corner supports for 90º corners.
OEM bracket 65/20/60 3606480454332 CSU4571725
Ceiling support
Fast-fix suspended brackets
Fast-fix suspended bracket, for ceiling-suspended installations with threaded rods. can
also fixed the side the models 70x100/150.
Material: Steel, pre-galvanized. Material: Steel, pre-galvanized