EN: Krabice do dutých stěn OBO BETTERMANN

| Kategorie: Leták / Datasheet  |

Vydal: OBO BETTERMANN s. r. o.

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This mate- rial unites multiple benefits. UG 66-GS-L 01 VBS Unterputz- und Hohlwandsysteme 2021 / en / 2022/02/16 12:49:08 12:49:08 (LLExport_03000) / 2022/02/16 12:49:34 12:49:34 7 .screw domes 4 the formula for maximum tolerance compen- sation: screw domes around the OBO flush-moun- ted boxes, each with holes, always allow exact ali- gnment and exact fastening the device even if plastering has not been entirely successful. UG 66-GS-L Membrane entries made TPE A clever product detail the airtight flush-mounted boxes that they have special membrane entries made thermoplastic elastomer (TPE). The dia- gonally aligned holes always maintain the standard dimension mm. can pierced very easily with cables and pipes, making additional tools superfluous. Moreover, they allow several cables inserted. TPE also very flexible and seals the cables and pipes tightly. airtight installation is also ensured through tear stops that prevent further tearing after piercing through