EN: Krabice do dutých stěn OBO BETTERMANN

| Kategorie: Leták / Datasheet  |

Vydal: OBO BETTERMANN s. r. o.

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Simply push the pipe through the mem- brane, and you're done.Connector With around more volume than standard connectors, the OBO variant simplifies the guiding cable wires from one cavity wall box into another considerably. ZH 11-V HG 47 2 screw domes Unique product detail, providing the maximum tole- rance compensation: The screw domes allow exact fastening the device. The spacing the screw domes always corresponds the standard dimension mm. HG 47-L 01 VBS Unterputz- und Hohlwandsysteme 2021 / en / 2022/02/16 12:49:08 12:49:08 (LLExport_03000) / 2022/02/16 12:49:34 12:49:34 15 . Toolless opening the membrane pipe entry The M20/M25 membrane pipe entry can opened without tools. This simplifies and accelera- tes work