EN: Krabice do dutých stěn OBO BETTERMANN

| Kategorie: Leták / Datasheet  |

Vydal: OBO BETTERMANN s. r. o.

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380 Item no. expand the standard centre spacing mm. 2xØ60mm Signalred Type ZU 60-SSD Dimension Colour Weight kg/100 pc. Red, with signal bristles for determining position. 2003746 Pack Piece 25 UP Signal cover flush-mounted boxes, single Cover protection flush-mounted boxes during plastering. 25 Signalred Type ZU 20-AS Length mm Colour Weight kg/100 pc. 2003760 Pack Piece 50 UP Signal cover, flush-mounted outlet box Cover for flush-mounted outlet box protection during plastering. Signalred Type ZU 60-SD Colour Weight kg/100 pc. 0.Accessories, flush-mounted UP Distance connector Distance connector with bayonet lock for the stable combination multiple flush-mounted device boxes. 0. Red, with signal bristles for determining position. Red, with signal bristles for determining position, centring for drill bit, straps for pulling off.350 Item no.070 Item no. 1. 2003762 Pack Piece 25 44 .220 Item no. 0. 2003768 Pack Piece 25 UP Signal cover for flush-mounted box, double Cover protection double flush-mounted box during plastering. 65x35mm Signalred Type ZU 30-SDW Dimension Colour Weight kg/100 pc