EN: Krabice do dutých stěn OBO BETTERMANN

| Kategorie: Leták / Datasheet  |

Vydal: OBO BETTERMANN s. r. o.

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65x35mm Signalred Type ZU 30-SDW Dimension Colour Weight kg/100 pc. Red, with signal bristles for determining position.220 Item no. 2003760 Pack Piece 50 UP Signal cover, flush-mounted outlet box Cover for flush-mounted outlet box protection during plastering. Red, with signal bristles for determining position, centring for drill bit, straps for pulling off. 2xØ60mm Signalred Type ZU 60-SSD Dimension Colour Weight kg/100 pc.350 Item no. Signalred Type ZU 60-SD Colour Weight kg/100 pc. expand the standard centre spacing mm. Red, with signal bristles for determining position. 1. 2003746 Pack Piece 25 UP Signal cover flush-mounted boxes, single Cover protection flush-mounted boxes during plastering.Accessories, flush-mounted UP Distance connector Distance connector with bayonet lock for the stable combination multiple flush-mounted device boxes. 2003762 Pack Piece 25 44 . 0. 2003768 Pack Piece 25 UP Signal cover for flush-mounted box, double Cover protection double flush-mounted box during plastering.070 Item no. 0.380 Item no. 25 Signalred Type ZU 20-AS Length mm Colour Weight kg/100 pc. 0