EN: Krabice do dutých stěn OBO BETTERMANN

| Kategorie: Leták / Datasheet  |

Vydal: OBO BETTERMANN s. r. o.

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UG 46-GS 01 VBS Unterputz- und Hohlwandsysteme 2021 / en / 2022/02/16 12:49:08 12:49:08 (LLExport_03000) / 2022/02/16 12:49:34 12:49:34 5 . The bayonet lock can coupled both sides, thus providing maximum flexibility and faster installation. They also have the connectors, which possess bayonet lock and can coupled both sides, the 3 screw domes for exact device fastening and the labelled cable and pipe entries. UG 46-L Connector with patented bayonet lock Unique feature: Both the standard and the airtight variants the OBO flush-mounted boxes possess the connector with patented bayonet lock.Airtight variants Apart from the combination entries, the airtight vari- ants the OBO flush-mounted boxes have the identical product details the standard boxes. The necessary standard centre distance always maintained. additional indivi- dual feature the airtight flush-mounted boxes is the TPE (thermoplastic elastomer) membrane ent- ries the bottom the box. Through small rotational movement and clear "click" noise, the flush-mounted boxes can be connected extremely stably, and are ready for any installation situation