Catalogue 2019 Intelligent building technology by Gira

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data cap 2-g 0053 D424 Ins. CNecessary accessories One the following articles: Inserts entertainment Entertainment D409 Inserts network technology Network technology D417 Inserts, accessories Accessories D421 cream white glossy 0870010870 01 pure white glossy 0870030870 1/100 01 pure white matt 0870270870 1/100 01 anthracite 0870280870 11 colour aluminium 0870260870 11 N black matt 08700050870 005 11 N Black cap 2-g 0047 D424 cap 2-g 0058 D424 cap D-sub 0050 D423 Ins.8 1457 D231 Notes - - For screw mounting cap 2-g 0039 D424 cap 2-g 0055 D423 Ins. unit Specifications Order No. More information Technical information 600 Communication technology accessories Mounting frame Mounting frame with hinged cover Data cap with support ring and inscription space for communication technology inserts . CNecessary accessories One the following articles: Slide-ins entertainment cap 1-g 0059 D424 Ins. data cap high-end WBT 0091 D423 Slide-ins network technology Ins. - - For vertical and 30° angled outlet. data cap 0048 D422 COptional accessories In.8 cap 1-g 0052 D424 cap 2-g 0089 D425 Accessories Uni. New product. unit PS Price system (PS) 14: reduced discount Gira electrical installation systems Inserts and covers System 55 cream white glossy 264801 2648 5/25 01 pure white glossy 264803 2648 5/25 01 black matt 264810 2648 5/25 01 CNecessary accessories One the following articles: Inserts entertainment Entertainment D409 Inserts network technology Network technology D417 Inserts, accessories Accessories D421 cream white glossy 265801 2658 1/5 01 pure white glossy 265803 2658 1/5 01 pure white matt 265827 2658 1/5 01 anthracite 265828 2658 1/5 11 colour aluminium 265826 2658 1/5 11 N black matt 2658005 2658 005 11 N Black matt.81 Communication Accessories System 55 Specifications Order No. New cap adapter set 0049 D423 Blank ins.sheets cap 2-g 0092 D423 Ins