Catalogue 2019 Intelligent building technology by Gira

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Vydal: SBS ELEKTRO s.r.o.

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expand All products this catalogue falling under the guidelines are labelled with the mark on the packaging label and the Lithography: vimago GmbH, Oberhausen Printing: mediaprint solutions GmbH, ­Paderborn iPhone, iPod, iPad, iTunes, iPhoto, Mac are registered trade- marks Apple Inc. Therefore, please always refer the Gira General Catalogue. Product illustrations can deviate. Subject technical modifica- tions. The catalogue intended a working document for dealers. Gira switches and socket outlets are developed and marketed under constant consultation with the electrical wholesale trade, the electrical trade and the retail market for the electrical trade. Technical details and design are subject to Layout, editing, realisation: vimago GmbH www.hgschmitz.vimago-medien. Imprint Published by: Gira Giersiepen GmbH Co. Our general sales, delivery and payment conditions apply exclusively. This installation device system is therefore intended the product range the specialised trade. The information the catalogue refers the products’ current production status. All products have been provided with price-system code numbers (PS). .Further information For technical queries ordering sales promotion materials, please contact your wholesaler, in special cases the responsible Gira agency the plant directly. Of course, the depth the Gira product range can only given limited space the material catalogues the electrical wholesale trade. Only the General Catalogue provides a complete overview the product range. The prices listed are non-binding recommended prices and apply from November 2018. KG Product photography/ product illustrations: Dirk Hoffmann, Jüchen Udo Kowalski, Wuppertal Henrik Spohler, Hamburg Schleßelmann Fotografie, Velbert Pixelbox, Düsseldorf schmitz Visuelle Kommunikation, Wuppertal Ueberholz GmbH, Wuppertal Photography architecture and plant grounds: Henrik Spohler/Gira Page top right Sauerbruch Hutton Page top left Product illustration: Peter Krämer, Düsseldorf, Germa- ny (Profile 55, TX_44, energy profile) Concept, design concept: schmitz Visuelle Kommunikation www