Catalogue 2019 Intelligent building technology by Gira

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Vydal: SBS ELEKTRO s.r.o.

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addition, the manufacturer the switching device rarely notified any changes the switching technology the electronic ballast. this case, the green level indicates the most favourable consumption values. After actuation, the key can be turned back the exit position and pulled out. Here, each electronic ballast/energy-saving bulb may have completely different switch-on properties. With the locking bit setting 315° (see figure), the locking bit led into the selector fork the switch. Energy efficiency classes 2010/30/EC The directive 2010/30/EC contains general conditions for classifying products. System-based dependencies The following question pops again and again: How many electronic ballasts/energy-saving bulbs can connected device? such cases, there decisive answer, despite all efforts. Product variety A large number electronic ballast/energy-saving bulb manufacturers with variety products are found the market. While state- ments can still made regarding the maximum permissible size the compensation capacitor and thus the maximum permissible load with parallel-compensated loads, itisgenerally longer possible with elec- tronic ballasts and energy-saving bulbs. accordance with the traffic light principle, the bars are shown from top bottom the colours dark green through yellow dark red. The cover plate not locked and the key can only pulled out the zero position (not switched). A +++ A ++ A + A B C D A ++ The number efficiency levels presented (here this example A+++ to may vary from one product group another. They include, among others: - The conditions the supply mains (hard soft mains) D Soft mains: great inner resistance the mains, lower switch-on currents D Hard mains: small inner resistance the mains, high switch-on currents possible - Switch-on time based current value sine wave, D Sine-wave zero crossing: ideal, hardly any contact load D Sine-wave vertex: poor, maximum switch-on current - is always switched the positive half-wave, for example D Material migration contact material always goes the same direction D Quicker failure the contact These system-based factors prevent even the relay manufacturers from providing concrete information the connectible load relay. Use power relay, for example, for higher currents and longer switch-on times. 1 315° 45° not locked 2 270° 90° locked . The height the load the maximum number electronic ballasts/energy-saving bulbs which can connected the switching device depends considera- bly more factors than just the technical data these two components. strain the contact material relay certain degree. These are factors which are system- and application-specific and are not dependent nor influenced the manufacturer the switching device the electronic ballast/energy-saving bulbs. With the locking bit settings 90°, 135° and 225° the locking bit led next the selector fork the switch. 1 2 2 1 Profile semi-cylinders for key switch inserts. Profile semi-cylinders for key switch inserts The locking bit can adjusted for half-cylinder profiles pressing in the rear pin 45° increments. The directive lists various product groups, which are evaluated according certain criteria. The cover plate now protected against disassembly without key.675 Gira electrical installation systems Energy-saving lights energy efficiency key switches I Technical information Connection energy-saving lights Long-field lights with electronic ballast devices with relay con- tact Capacitive loads, such parallel-compensated fluorescent lamps, com- pact fluorescent lamps, energy saving lamps, electronic ballasts etc. Details are regulated corresponding EU regulations for each product group with regard their energy con- sumption values. Such diversity products ultimately leads the inability manufac- turers the switching device provide concrete information, even when questioned about the connection options specific electronic ballast. Please comply with the switch-on peak currents with all capacitive loads