.unit 2-wire 0333 D280
- Top unit with short-stroke button for use with System 2000.fct 0309 D284
CNecessary accessories
Speed regul. w/o aux. pow.ins.ins.ins.ins. Tunable pow. 1148 D278
S2000 HVAC relay ins.. Komfort 5401 D253
S3000 DALI Power ctrl.1 0860 D276
Switching inserts
S2000 Tronic swit.ins. Available until 12/2019. 5406 D257
S3000 aux.) 2385 D275
S2000 dimm.ins.supply unit 2028 D286
DALI potentiom. Tunable 2020 D287
DALI potententiom.LED dimm.ins. 2018 D286
DALI potentiom. 500 0331 D276
S2000 ctrl. 0853 D278
S2000 relay ins.inputs 5414 D325
Functional description D260
cream white glossy 231601 2316 1/5 02
pure white glossy 231603 2316 1/5 02
pure white matt 231627 2316 1/5 02
anthracite 231628 2316 1/5 02
colour aluminium 231626 2316 1/5 02
stainless steel 2316600 2316 600 1/5 02
bronze 2316603 2316 603 1/5 02
brass 2316604 2316 604 1/5 02
chrome 2316605 2316 605 1/5 02
CNecessary accessories
One the following articles:
Dimming inserts
S2000 uni. aux. New product.ins.aux.ins. there
is upper and lower rocker half used for controlling the
inserts. Komfort 2455 D251
S3000 uni.unit ins.input swit. (PB dim.LED rot.ins.
CNecessary accessories
S3000 uni.1 2.ins.
Technical data
Ambient temperature: -20 +45 °C
Cover with button for dimmer and electronic
Cover with knob for speed regulator
N New product.LED dimm.LED dimm. 2-wire 5408 D257
S3000 aux.supply unit
2030 D287
cream white glossy 0652010652 02
pure white glossy 0652030652 02
pure white matt 0652270652 02
anthracite 0652280652 1/1 02
colour aluminium 0652260652 02
N black matt 06520050652 005 02
N Black matt.swit. zero-volt.
Successor item: System 3000 operating top unit
5360 .ins.input btn fct 0308 D285
DALI potentiom. unit PS
Gira electrical installation systems Price system (PS) 14: reduced discount
cream white glossy 0650010650 10/100 02
pure white glossy 0650030650 10/100 02
pure white matt 0650270650 10/100 02
anthracite 0650280650 10/100 02
colour aluminium 0650260650 02
N black matt 06500050650 005 02
stainless steel 06506000650 600 02
bronze 06506030650 603 02
brass 06506040650 604 02
chrome 06506050650 605 02
N Black matt. 0854 D277
S2000 relay ins.ins.dimm.inputs 5415 D325
S3000 blind ctrl.7 0314 D229
cream white glossy 536001 5360 02
pure white glossy 536003 5360 02
pure white matt 536027 5360 02
anthracite 536028 5360 02
colour aluminium 536026 5360 02
black matt 5360005 5360 005 02
stainless steel 5360600 5360 600 02
CNecessary accessories
One the following articles:
S3000 relay swit.
System 2000 switching/dimming top unit
.ins. unit Specifications Order No.
System 3000 operating top unit
D Discontinued item. New product.. 200 rot.ins.on/off 0.unit ins., 2324 . 0866 D277
S2000 Triac swit. 3-wire 5409 D258
S3000 impulse insert 5410 D249
S3000 blind ctrl.62
System Dimming
Specifications Order No.. Standard 5400 D252
S3000 uni.
- The top unit operates based the 2-area principle, i. 0336 D279
Auxiliary insert
S2000 aux. rot. ctrl. Standard 2450 D250
S3000 rot.ins. 100 1000 PB/2-way 1181 D283
Potentiom. 5403 D248
S3000 electr. 0303 D278
Staircase light control
S2000 impulse ins.ins.on/off 0300 D282
Bulb dimm., 2316 . 5405 D249
S3000 uni.
Replaces 0634 .LED rot. 3-wire 2389 D258
LED dimm. ctrl.e..dimm