Catalogue 2019 Intelligent building technology by Gira

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addition, door calls can forwarded external phone number (e. A conversation can then held with the person the door station via the external telephone, and, necessary, the door can opened. . 1287 00 1 2 3 3 3 1 2 1 2 TC-gateways multi-family home 1 additional supply, TC-gateway, telephone connection Application example multi-family home The multi-family home has door station with three call buttons. ISDN With ISDN connection, attach the exchange connection the TC-gateway the analogue port the ISDN system. In auxiliary unit operation, all door calls are forwarded via the exchange terminal the TC-gateway the telephone system and then distributed to the connected telephones from there. 1287 00 1290 00 1289 00 230 AC 1 230 AC UB Amt TLN BUS a BUS ~ 2 TC-gateway single-family home 1 telephone connection, door opener Application example single-family home The single-family home has door station, home station with addi- tional call button, switching actuator, which switches the outdoor lighting and TC-gateway. mobile phone). The TC-gateway attached the analogue telephone connection. Each flat has home station and TC-gateway with its own power supply (ZV). All door calls are forwarded the con- nected telephone.619 Gira electrical installation systems TC-gateway Door communication I Technical information TC-gateway analogue telephone connection 1290 1287 00 230 AC BUS V~ UB Amt TLN BUS a b‘ 2 1 Connection the analogue exchange connection 1 telephone connection, door opener With use analogue telephone connection, analogue telephone is connected the “TLN” port. TC-gateway telephone system 1287 00 1290 00 2 1 230 AC UB Amt TLN BUS a BUS ~ 3 Connection telephone system 1 telephone system, door opener, telephone connection When operating the Gira TC-gateway the analogue auxiliary unit a telephone system, the range features and the behaviour the indi- vidual devices depend the telephone system