Catalogue 2019 Intelligent building technology by Gira

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Vydal: SBS ELEKTRO s.r.o.

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110 71 Arrangement the flush-mounted device boxes and spacer for optimal device alignment Line/Dimensions D) Die-cast aluminium, flush-mounted floor empty housing 1-gang 112 112 61. and duty room terminal 5929.5 ~76 61.5 33 104 91 30 Die-cast aluminium Matt stainless steel, flush-mounted floor empty housing 1-gang 112 112 63.5mm 33 45 3 112 3 112 12.9mm 33 63..599 Gira electrical installation systems Dimensions I Technical information Line/Dimensions D) Nurse call system 834 Plus Installation information for the room terminal and duty room terminal.9 3 112 3 112 Matt stainless steel Gira Control Client flush-mounted device box 528 80 436 220 312 Flush-mounted device box Gira Control Client . To ensure optimum appearance, the distance between the terminal and the intercom module should set shown the figure below. Corresponding flush-mounted device boxes and suitable spacer are included with the room terminal 5925.