Catalogue 2019 Intelligent building technology by Gira

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- - Operation with the System 3000 blind timer and timer BT. - - Additional voltage AC/DC required for the internal heating. 0580 D586 Rain sens. Replaces 0930 00. on window panes Ambient temperature: +55 °C Dimensions mm W 13 DRA 102400 1024 1/100 26 CNecessary accessories One the following articles: Wind sens. Scope supply - - The bracket for mounting the sensor included the scope of supply. - - Battery-operated device. Technical data Measurement range: 0. - - Transmits the current brightness and temperature value via Bluetooth. m Colour: Pure white (similar RAL 9010) Installation: for attaching indoors e. - - The wind transmitter used convert the wind speed into electrical signals. - - The wind sensor can operated conjunction with the basic weather station the analogue sensor DRA 1024 D586 Features - - Wind sensor for logging and evaluating the wind speed (0. - - mounted the roof the side the building and connected the evaluation unit. m/s for brief period Ambient temperature: -25 +60 °C Cable length: max. System 3000 brightness and temperature sensor BT Power supply.14 mm², length m (can extended max. Technical data Rated voltage: V Batteries: 2450N Brightness measurement: 80,000 lx Temperature measurement range: -5 +55 °C Wireless frequency: 2. this way, sensitive blind slats can protected from increasing wind. - - Connecting systems from other manufacturers possible.3 24. m Evaluation unit - - Wind warning range: 3. 2. unit Specifications Order No.480 GHz Transmission power: max. Evaluation unit - - Test mode with test LED. Technical data Wind transmitter - - Material the transmitter and cup anemometer: Plastic (ABS), black - - Ambient temperature: -25 +60 °C - - Connection cable: LIYY 0.ins.5 m/s, can set one of levels - - Switching contact: Relay with zero-voltage NO contact - - Load capacity: max. - - The required power (DC for the electronics supplied by these devices.586 Signallers and Sensors Specifications Order No.inputs 5414 D325 Blind cont. - - Due its built-in heating, trouble-free operation possible even in case frost. heating transformer can used for this voltage. heat.input 0398 D556 Features Wind transmitter (cup anemometer/anemometer) - - The wind sensor enables raising the blinds depending the strength the wind, for example. 100 m Installation position: any Notes - - The device suitable for outdoor installation.7 m/s).5 mW, class 2 Transmission range: typ. 546602 5466 02 CNecessary accessories S3000 blind timer timer 5367 D262 Features - - Sensor for recording brightness and temperature. 230 aux.402 2. 0580000580 06 CNecessary accessories Pow. A - - Operating voltage: 230 V Dimensions mm - - Cup diameter the wind transmitter: 134 160 Scope supply - - Mounting bracket included the scope supply. The turning speed evaluated and converted into an output signal from V. - - Distributor terminals for connecting heated wind signaller. 0/10 0579 D587 Wind Sensor Standard Wind Sensor with heating N New product.7 m/s Electrical output: V External supply - - Voltage: V - - Current consumption: Approx. - - Expansion functions for the System 3000 blind timer and timer BT: Sun protection function, dawn and dusk function. (without heating) Heating: AC/DC PTC element (80 °C) Wind load: max. aux.g. unit PS Gira electrical installation systems Price system (PS) 14: reduced discount Signallers and Sensors 0913000913 1/100 06 COptional accessories Auxiliary unit for S3000 blind ctrl