(A)) during function test.
- Fault indication. The latest
generation Gira smoke alarm devices fulfil the criteria the new
Q-Label quality mark.
Technical data
Dimensions mm
- Housing: 125 38,5
pure white glossy 234602 2346 03
COptional accessories
Relay mod. SAD Dual 2347 D581
Set spacer sleeves screws 2342 D582
- Battery-operated combined smoke alarm device and heat
detector. m
Protection type: IP42
Area application: DIN 14676
- DIN 14604
- Design: D
pure white glossy 114902
1149 03
- Integrated function button for function test.
Technical data
Power supply: Via smoke alarm device battery
Battery life: least years
Acoustic signal: Alarm: least (A)
Visual signal: Ring indicator (red LED)
Ambient temperature: +55 °C
Installation height: max.
- KRIWAN approval. SAD Dual 2340 D580
KNX module SAD Dual 2343 D581
WL mod. against external factors.
- Permanently installed battery with service life years.579
Smoke Alarm Device Smoke alarm device
Specifications Order No.
- smoke alarm devices can networked each wire. unit PS
Price system (PS) 14: reduced discount Gira electrical installation systems
Increased quality criteria and technical advancements smoke
alarm devices are indicated the market with the new test
- Muffled alarm signal (approx.
Technical data
Dimensions mm
- Housing: 125 48
Smoke Alarm Device Q
Smoke alarm device Basic Q
Smoke alarm device Dual.
- Heat detection via maximum and differential function.
- Signalling technical faults can delayed in
- Automatic smoke evaluation self-test with tracking soiling.
- Weak battery indication. The smoke alarm devices operate based on
the photoelectric scattered light principle without radioactive
- Smoke detection deactivatable.
- Increased stability, e.
- Use private residential units similarly inhabited areas only in
accordance with DIN 14676.
- "Weak battery" indication.
- Design per DIN 14604. The smoke alarm devices detect smoke accumulation
early and emit warning signal before the concentration smoke
can become hazardous people.
- Soiling fault indication. unit Specifications Order No.
- Fire and heat alarms alerted differently. The new Q-Label autonomous, manufacturer-
independent quality mark for high-quality smoke alarm devices
which undergo special testing for long-term use.g.
- One module interface for three optional modules (KNX module,
radio module, relay module) with simultaneous use the
networking terminal.
- Tested durability and reduction deceptive alarms. Alerting occurs via loud
pulsing alarm tone and flashing LED.
- Integrated function button for alarm acknowledgement, function
test and muting, for example