Poznámky redaktora
System 55, rocker with inscription space
clear pure white glossy 5331100 5331 100 1/5 42
System Gira E22, start-up rocker
Start-up rocker 533100 5331 1/5 42
COptional accessories
Rocker sets
Rocker set 1-g in. unit Specifications Order No.
Can set with eNet server:
- Fully encrypted wireless transmission (AES CCM) from eNet
Server software version 2.
Technical data
Rated voltage: V
Batteries: 2450N
Range (free field): approx.
Please observe the regulations the disposal used batteries.
- Rocker can set channel scene function.
- Localisation the device. The suitable rocker set for the design line must
be ordered separately.
- Transmission switching, dimming, blind adjustment, and scene
Transmitter eNet
Specifications Order No.
- Battery-operated device. 100 m
- Batteries are consumables and must replaced regularly.
Please observe the regulations the disposal used batteries.0.
Scope supply
- Batteries are included the scope supply.
Scope supply
- Batteries are included the scope supply.
eNet wireless hand-held transmitter, 4-gang
eNet wireless wall transmitter, 1-gang
- Signalling the transmission status deactivatable.
Please observe the regulations the disposal used batteries.
Can set with eNet server:
- Fully encrypted wireless transmission (AES CCM) from eNet
Server software version 2.
- Configuration scene button via eNet SMART HOME app
(if-then rules) trigger actions, scenes, timers.
- Configuration scene button via eNet SMART HOME app
(if-then rules) trigger actions, scenes, timers. 2201 D441
- Switchover function, optimised for the control momentary-
contact actuators.
anthracite 535410 5354 42
- Two buttons belong each channel.
- Battery-operated device.
- The installation can carried out without surface-mounted
housing device box.
- Status LED.
- The range can reduced when using metal rocker sets and/or
metal cover frames.
- All-On All-Off scenes, threshold value scenes, and individual
scenes can configured.sp.set 5339 D566
- Signalling the transmission status deactivatable.
- Operation locks.
- All-On All-Off scenes, threshold value scenes, and individual
scenes can configured.
- Device software update. 2131 D437
Rocker set 1-g 2181 D439
Rocker set 1-g inscr.
- The wireless wall transmitter can attached walls with
screws glued onto smooth transparent surfaces with the
mounting plate.
- Each pair buttons can set channel scene function.
Technical data
Rated voltage: V
Batteries: 2450N
Dimensions mm
W 15,5
- Batteries are consumables and must replaced regularly.
- Operation locks. unit PS
Price system (PS) 14: reduced discount Gira electrical installation systems
Technical data
Rated voltage: V
Batteries: 2450N
Dimensions mm
W 40,5 15
- Batteries are consumables and must replaced regularly.
- The wireless wall transmitter supplied with program-neutral
start-up rocker.
- Two-colour LEDs the right and left the buttons for
signalling. ring plastic 5338 D565
- Simple extension existing switch combinations.
- Device software update.
Scope supply
- Batteries are included the scope supply