Catalogue 2019 Intelligent building technology by Gira

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Vydal: SBS ELEKTRO s.r.o.

Strana 512 z 696

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Active or passive (object can read out) cyclical feedback functions. - - Forced setting function can realised for each blind output. - - Separately parameterisable movement times with movement time extension for movements into the upper end position. - - Valve control (open/closed while de-energized) can be configured. - - Forced setting function can realised for each blind output. - - Each output can locked forced position, and different values are possible for summer and winter operation. - - Sun protection function with fixed and variable curtain slat positions can activated. - - Behaviour upon bus voltage recovery and fails can be parameterised separately for each output. Technical data KNX medium: TP1-64 index I02 TP1-256) Rated voltage: 230/240 50/60 Hz Blind output - - Switching current: 1 - - Motors 230 600 VA Heating output - - Switching contact: Triac - - Switching current: mA - - Number drives per output: max. - - Feedback can delayed until after the recovery bus voltage. - - Integration complex shading systems, optionally with automatic heating/cooling and presence function. - - Feedback the curtain position slat position. - - Control servos switching operation PWM operation. - - Memory function for light scenes. - - Integration scenes possible, internal scenes the most can parameterised per channel. - - Behaviour after bus voltage failure and recovery can set. - - Behaviour after bus voltage failure and recovery can set. unit Specifications Order No. - - Output, can controlled via corrected variable (1-bit or 1-byte). - - Status feedback (1-bit 1-byte) automatically read request. - - Protective function against jammed valve.510 KNX Flush-mounted actuators Specifications Order No. - - Messages indicate short circuits load failures can set via an object. - - Summer winter mode can selected via object. - - Feedback the curtain position slat position. has three binary inputs for controlling the connected blind, shutter, awning ventilation flap the state delivery. - - Separately parameterisable movement times with movement time extension for movements into the upper end position. - - Integration complex shading systems, optionally with automatic heating/cooling and presence function. Active or passive (object can read out) cyclical feedback functions. Technical data KNX medium: TP1-64 (as index I03 TP1-256) Rated voltage: 110 240 AC, 50/60 Hz Blind output - - Switching current: 1 - - Motors 230 600 VA - - Motors 110 300 VA Number inputs: zero-voltage Flush-mounted 216400 2164 06 COptional accessories Rocker btn 2-way m-c 2-g 0155 D226 Therm.servo 230 2169 D341 Junction box 0070 D202 Features - - The combination actuator blind and heating combination a blind actuator with heating actuator. 2 Number inputs: zero-voltage KNX blind actuator, 1-gang KNX combination actuator blind and heating . - - Integration scenes possible, internal scenes the most can parameterised per channel. - - Operating mode can configured: blinds, shutters, awnings or ventilation flaps. - - Assignments five different safety functions (three wind alarms, one rain alarm, one frost alarm) optionally with cyclical monitoring. - - Sun protection function with fixed and variable curtain slat positions can activated. - - Operating mode can configured: blinds, shutters, awnings or ventilation flaps. - - Assignments five different safety functions (three wind alarms, one rain alarm, one frost alarm) optionally with cyclical monitoring. - - Memory function for light scenes. unit PS Gira electrical installation systems Price system (PS) 14: reduced discount KNX system devices, actuators, sensors Flush-mounted 216500 2165 1/100 06 COptional accessories Rocker btn 2-way m-c 2-g 0155 D226 Junction box 0070 D202 Features - - The blind actuator has three binary inputs for the controlling of the connected blind, shutter, awning ventilation flap the state delivery. - - Feedback can delayed until after the recovery bus voltage. - - Cyclical monitoring the corrected variable; corrected variable telegram remains off within monitoring period, the output switches into emergency mode and alarm message is sent