Poznámky redaktora
Technical data
Number inputs: 2
- KNX: Connection and junction terminal
- Input line: 3-wire cable set
Scope supply
- KNX connection and junction terminal included the scope of
Temperature value transmitter and brightness value
transmitter function:
- edge and value configurable, value adjustment with push button
is possible pressing and holding button.
- Blocker for blocking individual inputs.
- Telegram rate limit.
Technical data
Number inputs: 4
- KNX: Connection and junction terminal
- Input line: 5-wire cable set
Scope supply
- KNX connection and junction terminal included the scope of
supply. Both inputs can configured outputs
(max. mA).
Universal button interfaces KNX universal button interface, 2-gang
KNX universal button interface, 4-gang
. The switching operations of
zero-voltage contacts are converted into KNX telegrams. unit Specifications Order No. mA).
- Free assignment the functions switching, dimming, blind and
value transmitter inputs through pulse counters and
switch counters inputs and 2.
Function switching output:
- Behaviour case bus failure and return, switch-on/off delay or
time switch function, output clocking (flashing LED). unit PS
Price system (PS) 14: reduced discount Gira electrical installation systems
Flush-mounted binary inputs, can used deep device box
(60 deep) behind conventional switch/push button, for
connection zero-voltage contacts.447
Universal button interfaces KNX operating devices
Specifications Order No.
Value transmitter and light scene auxiliary unit function:
- edge (button contact, button contact, switch) and
value with edge can configured, value adjustment with button
by pressing and holding button for value transmitters possible,
light scene auxiliary unit with memory function and saving the
scene without previously calling possible.
- Free assignment the functions switching, dimming, blind and
value transmitter both inputs pulse counters and switching
Technical data
KNX medium: TP1-256
Ambient temperature: +45 °C
Dimensions mm
W 15
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COptional accessories
Rocker btn 4-g con.
Pulse counter function:
- edge for pulse counting and interval time for meter reading
transfer can configured, edge the synchronisation signal for
resetting the meter reading and switching telegram when
synchronisation signal arrives can set. mA).
- Behaviour upon bus voltage recovery can configured
separately for each input. Two the four inputs can parameterised
as outputs (max. 1-p 0147 D226
Junction box 0070 D202
- 4-gang flush-mounted binary input.
Function switching counter:
- edge for counting the signals the input and maximum meter
reading selectable, increment for the counter reading output and
telegram when the maximum meter reading reached can be
- Single-surface and double-surface operation, time between
dimming and switching, and dim-step size can set, telegram
repetition, and stop telegram transmission possible.
1119 1/5 06
COptional accessories
Rocker btn 4-g con. The four inputs can be
assigned various functions blocked independently each
other the process.
- Command can set with rising edge (no function, UP, DOWN,
CHANGE), operating concept can configured (Step Move -
Step Move Step), time between short and long-term
operation can set, slat adjustment time can set. The inputs can parameterised as
outputs (max. 1-p 0147 D226
Junction box 0070 D202
- 2-gang flush-mounted binary input The two inputs can be
assigned various functions blocked independently each
other the process.
- Two independent switching objects are available for each input
and can released individually, command for leading and
trailing edge can set independently (ON, OFF, CHANGE, no
reaction), cyclical transmission the switching object depending
on the edge depending the object value can selected. The
inputs can assigned various functions blocked independently
of each other the process