Catalogue 2019 Intelligent building technology by Gira

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Vydal: SBS ELEKTRO s.r.o.

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sp. unit PS Price system (PS) 14: reduced discount Gira electrical installation systems Communication Technology Support ring, MJ-01 MJ-10 Support ring MJ-01 560100 5601 10/100 01 Support ring MJ-02 560200 5602 10/100 01 Support ring MJ-03 560300 5603 10/100 01 Support ring MJ-04 560400 5604 10/100 01 Support ring MJ-05 560500 5605 10/100 01 Support ring MJ-06 560600 5606 10/100 01 Support ring MJ-07 560700 5607 10/100 01 Support ring MJ-08 560800 5608 10/100 01 Support ring MJ-09 560900 5609 10/100 01 Support ring MJ-10 561000 5610 10/100 01 CNecessary accessories 0284 . - - System D79 - - E22 aluminium D181 Features - - Shielded network connection box Cat.6A with two connection sockets RJ45 (8/8) for data transfer rates Gigabit Ethernet accordance with IEEE 802.3an. in. UAE/IAE network conn. - - Cable entry possible from all directions 45° increments.6A 2-gang Insert for network connection box Cat.sp. sup. Notes - - For screw mounting only. Notes - - For screw mounting only. - - System D79 - - E22 aluminium D181 Cov. - - System D79 - - E22 aluminium D181 Cov.katalog.sp. Insulation displacement contact technology 0166000166 1/100 01 CNecessary accessories Cov. UAE/IAE network conn. in. Modular jack 2-gang support ring Insert for network connection box Cat. - - Cable entry possible from all directions 45° increments. Technical data Installation depth: mm. Insulation displacement contact technology 245200 2452 1/5 01 CNecessary accessories Cov. unit Specifications Order No.. UAE/IAE network 0270 .419 Network technology Communication technology Specifications Order No. Technical data Installation depth: mm. - - System D79 - - E22 aluminium D181 Features - - Shielded network connection box Cat.6A with jack RJ45 (8) for data transfer rates Gigabit Ethernet accordance with IEEE 802. - - 45° angled socket outlet for parapet duct, floor tank and flush-mounted installation. More information The current compatibility matrix can found at the beginning this chapter D406 The current compatibility matrix can found online www.6 with two connection sockets RJ45 (8/8) for data transfer rates Gigabit Ethernet accordance with IEEE Insulation displacement contact technology 245100 2451 1/5 01 CNecessary accessories One the following articles: Cov. in. - - Cable entry possible from all directions 45° increments.6, 2-gang .sp.. UAE/IAE network conn.3an. UAE/IAE network 0270 . - - 45° angled socket outlet for parapet duct, floor tank and flush-mounted installation. - - 45° angled socket outlet for parapet duct, floor tank and flush-mounted installation. - - System D79 - - E22 aluminium D181 Cov.gira.6A 1-gang Insert for network connection box Cat. - - System D79 - - E22 aluminium D181 Features - - Shielded network connection box Cat.ring 2-g 2640 0284 . Technical data Installation depth: 0284 . UAE/IAE network 0270 ... - - System D80 - - E22 aluminium D181 Technical data Dimensions Installation opening - - MJ-01, MJ02, MJ-07: 14,8 19,5 - - MJ-03: 14,8 20,0 - - MJ-04, MJ-09: 14,8 19,3 - - MJ-05: 16,7 17,3 - - MJ-06: 15,9 18,3 - - MJ-08: 14,8 19,0 - - MJ-10: 16,1 18,5 Notes - - For screw mounting only. Notes - - For screw mounting only.3an. 30° in.. - - Suitable for duct installation