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Technical information 601
Phono and VGA 15-pole insert
VGA 15-pole and mini jack 3. 2658 D409
Technical data
Installation depth
- Gender changer: least mm
- Breakout cable: least mm
Wave impedance for breakout
75 Ω
Length the breakout cable: 200 mm
More information
Technical information 601
Cable lug/solder connection
cream white glossy 566501 5665 01
pure white glossy 566503 5665 01
black matt 566510 5665 01
CNecessary accessories
Entertainment Communication technology
Specifications Order No. 2648 D409
Mount. 2648 D409
Mount. 2648 D409
Technical data
- maximum: mm² AWG)
- minimum: mm² (11 AWG)
- Not suitable for mounting frames with hinged unit PS
Price system (PS) 14: reduced discount Gira electrical installation systems
Gender changer
cream white glossy 565601 5656 1/5 01
pure white glossy 565603 5656 1/5 01
black matt 565610 5656 1/5 01
Breakout cable
cream white glossy 565701 5657 01
pure white glossy 565703 5657 01
black matt 565710 5657 01
CNecessary accessories
One the following articles:
Mount. 2658 D409
Technical data
Installation depth
- Gender changer: least mm
- Breakout cable: least mm
Wave impedance for breakout
75 Ω
Length the breakout cable: 200 mm
More information
Technical information 601
Gender changer, VGA, breakout cable, mini jack
cream white glossy 565801 5658 01
pure white glossy 565803 5658 01
black matt 565810 5658 01
Breakout cable
cream white glossy 565901 5659 01
pure white glossy 565903 5659 01
black matt 565910 5659 01
CNecessary accessories
One the following articles: unit Specifications Order No.5 insert
WBT-0710 nextgen™ insert
WBT-0708 nextgen™ insert
More information
Technical information 601
Cable lug/solder connection
cream white glossy 566601 5666 01
pure white glossy 566603 5666 01
black matt 566610 5666 01
CNecessary accessories
Mount. 2648 D409
Technical data
- maximum: mm² AWG)
- minimum: mm² (11 AWG)
- Not suitable for mounting frames with hinged covers