Catalogue 2019 Intelligent building technology by Gira

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Vydal: SBS ELEKTRO s.r.o.

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1265 D357 Features - - Mounting plate for covering the installation openings door intercom systems already present the building when retrofitting the Gira door communication system. - - Holes are provided the mounting plate for wall installation, and there are openings for installing the Gira door station. 3-g 1261 D355 Add-on modules Call btn 1-g door st. 1262 D356 Call btn 3-g door st. Technical data Dimensions mm - - 2-gang: 130 253 - - 3-gang: 130 253 - - 4-gang: 130 346 TX_44 pure white 125566 1255 5/25 18 anthracite 125567 1255 5/25 18 colour aluminium 125565 1255 5/25 18 CNecessary accessories One the following articles: Door st. - - Material: Anodised aluminium. 6-g 1268 D362 SM video door st.366 Door stations Accessories Specifications Order No. 1263 D356 Info mod. Gira energy profile and light profiles Gira energy profile Accessories Mounting plates for door stations Call-button cover plate for call button, 3-gang . unit PS Gira electrical installation systems Price system (PS) 14: reduced discount Door stations 4 empty units, height 1400 mm anthracite 135428 1354 17 colour aluminium 135426 1354 17 4 empty units, height 1600 mm anthracite 135628 1356 17 colour aluminium 135626 1356 17 Light element, empty units, height 1600 mm anthracite 135328 1353 17 colour aluminium 135326 1353 17 Functional description D218 2-gang 129700 1297 18 3-gang 129800 1298 18 4-gang 129900 1299 18 CNecessary accessories One the following articles: Door stations Door st. 1264 D357 Colour camera door st. unit Specifications Order No. 1-g 1260 D354 Door st. 3-g 1267 D362 SM door st. door st. 3-g 1261 D355 Call btn 3-g door st. 1263 D356 SM door st. 3-g 1270 D363 Features - - For covering the unneeded call buttons the flush-mounted door station 3-gang, the call button 3-gang for door stations, and the surface-mounted door station 3-gang and 6-gang