Catalogue 2019 Intelligent building technology by Gira

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Vydal: SBS ELEKTRO s.r.o.

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363 Surface-mounted door stations Door stations Specifications Order No. Due the high degree light sensitivity night mode, good presentation results are achieved even poor lighting conditions.85 (1/3”) Wide-angle lens: 150° Visible detection range: 100° Area detection (for 20° swivelling): 140° Colour system: PAL Pixels: 500 (H) 582 (V) Horizontal resolution: 380 lines Switchover threshold for colour to B/W operation: 1 lux Light sensitivity B/W operation: 0.3-g 1255 D366 Tri-Wing screws pcs. - - Automatic white balance. - - Automatic background lighting compensation. In combination with the wide-angle lens, very wide field view lux Electronic shutter speed:: 1/100000 s IR filter: integrated Recommended mounting height for camera: 1.g. 1407 D367 Features - - Door station with colour camera, door speaker, and call button.50 m Dimensions mm - - without camera: 110 253 19 - - with camera: 110 253 40 - - Name plates: - Notes - - Call buttons which are not required can covered with the call-button cover plate for call button, 3-gang. unit PS Price system (PS) 14: reduced discount Gira electrical installation systems Door stations pure white 126966 1269 1/100 10 anthracite 126967 1269 1/100 10 colour aluminium 126965 1269 1/100 10 CNecessary accessories Video ctrl. unit Specifications Order No. Technical data Image recording element: CCD sensor 0. - - Camera cover plate made shock-resistant plastic. - - LEDs ensure steady illumination the field view close proximity night mode.50 m Dimensions mm - - without camera: 110 253 19 - - with camera: 110 253 40 - - Name plate: - More information Technical information 617 pure white 127066 1270 1/100 10 anthracite 127067 1270 10 colour aluminium 127065 1270 1/100 10 CNecessary accessories Video ctrl.g. - - Automatic background lighting compensation. More information Technical information 617 Surface-mounted video door station, 1-gang Surface-mounted video door station, 3-gang .pl.sheets 1459 D231 Call-btn cov. - - LEDs ensure steady illumination the field view close proximity night mode. due vandalism. - - Sprayed-water proof cover plate. - - Automatic gain control (AGC). - - Camera can manually swivelled 20° horizontally and vertically. - - Automatic gain control (AGC). - - Integrated camera heating with temperature detection. DRA 1288 D390 COptional accessories In. due vandalism. Technical data Image recording element: CCD sensor 0. Due the high degree light sensitivity night mode, good presentation results are achieved even poor lighting conditions. - - Automatic white balance. - - Automatic day night switching: the camera switches from day mode (colour display) night mode (black and white display) and back again defined ambient brightness. - - Camera can manually swivelled 20° horizontally and vertically. 1407 D367 Features - - Automatic day night switching: the camera switches from day mode (colour display) night mode (black and white display) and back again defined ambient brightness.1 lux Electronic shutter speed:: 1/100000 s IR filter: integrated Recommended mounting height for camera: 1. - - Sprayed-water proof cover plate. Easy to replace damaged, e. In combination with the wide-angle lens, very wide field view results.sheets 1458 D231 Tri-Wing screws pcs.85 (1/3”) Wide-angle lens: 150° Visible detection range: 100° Area detection (for 20° swivelling): 140° Colour system: PAL Pixels: 500 (H) 582 (V) Horizontal resolution: 380 lines Switchover threshold for colour to B/W operation: 1 lux Light sensitivity B/W operation: 0. Easy to replace damaged, e. - - Camera cover plate made shock-resistant plastic. DRA 1288 D390 COptional accessories In. - - Integrated camera heating with temperature detection