Catalogue 2019 Intelligent building technology by Gira

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Vydal: SBS ELEKTRO s.r.o.

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. Switching Switching Switching Switching Switching/dimming top unit D 62/151/183 2316. Switching Switching Switching Switching Automatic control switch 2, Komfort top unit D 308 2302. ① Use HVAC switch: Channel switched on depending the ambient brightness when motion is detected..10 m Mounting height 2. Switching Switching Switching Switching Presence detector, Komfort top unit D 309 0317. Triac switching insert Light bulbs, HV halogen, LV halogen with coil transformer 40 400 W/VA D 277 0854 00 Tronic switching insert Light bulbs, HV halogen, LV halogen with Gira Tronic transformer 50 420 W D 277 0866 00 Relay insert Light bulbs, fluorescent lamps, halogen lamps ≤ 2300 W D 278 0853 00 Relay insert zero-voltage Light bulbs, HV halogen ≤ 800 W D 278 1148 00 Automatic control switch, Standard top unit Mounting height 1... Channel switched directly or time-delayed when there is motion the detection field. The System 2000 System 2000 inserts Order no. When motion no longer detected, the channel is switched off after the expiration of the delay time set the top unit. Switching Switching Switching Switching Automatic control switch 360° top unit D 308 2270. Use with the System 2000 impulse insert 0336 requires least release version for the top units of the automatic control switches and presence detectors.20 m with angled, vertically-aligned detection area To use top units for automatic control switches and presence detectors flush-mounted inserts from System 2000, these inserts have have release version of R2 higher..20 m D 306/372 1300.20 m D 306/372 0661.. 0671 Switching Switching Switching Switching Automatic control switch 2, Standard top unit D 307 2301. Switching Switching Switching Switching Wireless switching/dimming top unit Gira eNet, 554 5490.304 Lighting control Gira electrical installation systems Lighting control For mounting height to 1.. 1301 Switching Switching Switching Switching Automatic control switch, Komfort top unit Mounting height 1.. Switching Switching Switching Switching Touch dimming top unit D 63/152 2260..10 m Mounting height 2.. Within the scope the options described above and under observance the permissible number auxiliary units, the System 2000 inserts and top units can freely combined realise an extended, automatic lighting system.10 with purely horizontally- aligned detection area, which means doesn’t have its own range limitation outdoors For mounting height 2. Switching Switching Switching Switching . Touch switching top unit D 53/148 2261