Catalogue 2019 Intelligent building technology by Gira

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Vydal: SBS ELEKTRO s.r.o.

Strana 285 z 696

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Technical data Rated voltage: 230/240 Hz Connected load °C - - Light bulbs: 100 1000 W - - halogen lamps: 100 1000 W Installation depth: mm Connections - - maximum: 2.dimm. knob dim. unit Specifications Order No. Standard 2450 D250 S3000 rot. Komfort 2455 D251 S3000 uni. - - System D62 - - E22 aluminium D163 Functional description D283 100 1000 118100 1181 1/5 02 CNecessary accessories Cov.dimm.ins.LED dimm. - - Power extension using power boosters. potentiom..ins.LED rot. knob dim.5 mm² Ambient temperature: +45 °C Notes - - the ambient temperature higher than °C, the connected load must reduced.283 LED dimmer Light bulb dimmer Gira System 2000, other electronics Specifications Order No. potentiom.ins.LED rot.. unit PS Price system (PS) 14: reduced discount Gira electrical installation systems System 2000 Inserts, top units 237500 2375 02 COptional accessories S3000 uni. - - System D62 - - E22 aluminium D163 Features - - Electronic short-circuit protection. 0650 . - - With screw terminals.ins. 20 200 0300000300 1/5 22 CNecessary accessories Cov.aux. - - Automatic excess-temperature protection with restart. More information Technical information 645 Compensation module LED Light bulb dimmer LED dimming insert with rotary on/off switch Light bulb dimming insert with push-button/2-way switch . 0650 . 3-wire 2389 D258 Optimising dimming behaviour necessary S2000 uni. (PB dim.) 2385 D281 Functional description D232 Features - - Dimming light bulbs and halogen lamps with 230 Hz