Catalogue 2019 Intelligent building technology by Gira

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Vydal: SBS ELEKTRO s.r.o.

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sw.ctrl.20m 2301 D307 Auto. - - System D53 - - E22 aluminium D160 Gira eNet swit.ctrl.unit 2-wire 0333 D280 S2000 aux. 100 m Installation depth: mm Ambient temperature: -20 +45 °C Notes - - the ambient temperature higher than °C, the connected load must reduced. Standard 2. 100 m Installation depth: mm Ambient temperature: -20 +45 °C Notes - - the ambient temperature higher than °C, the connected load must reduced.ctrl. - - Limitation the switch-on current.detec..277 System 2000 switch inserts Gira System 2000, other electronics Specifications Order No.sw.6 250 049727 D233 Features - - The Triac switching insert electronic switch used for switching light bulbs and wound transformers with 2-wire connection technology.unit 3-wire 0335 D281 Fuse Fuse 2261 . - - Short-circuit protection using micro-fuse. unit PS Price system (PS) 14: reduced discount Gira electrical installation systems System 2000 Inserts, top units 50 420 0866000866 1/5 02 CNecessary accessories One the following articles: Top units for switching System 2000 swit. - - Limitation the switch-on current.Komfort top 0317 D309 COptional accessories Compensation mod. - - System D62 - - E22 aluminium D164 System 2000 touch swit./dimm. 40 400 W/VA 0854000854 1/5 02 CNecessary accessories See listing at System 2000 Tronic switching insert D277 COptional accessories Auxiliary inputs S2000 aux.unit 2-wire 0333 D280 S2000 aux. - - Auxiliary operation possible. Komfort 1. System 2000 switch inserts D Discontinued item. 360° 2270 D308 Pres.20 2302 D308 Auto. Standard 1.ctrl.10 0661 D306 Auto. Successor item: System 3000 electronic switching insert 5405 00 System 2000 Triac switching insert . top 1-g 5490 D554 Automatic light control top units Auto.sw. Komfort 2. Available until 12/2019.ctrl.sw. unit Specifications Order No./dimm. top 2316 .10m 1300 D306 Auto.unit 3-wire 0335 D281 Features - - Flush-mounted insert for switching light bulbs and Gira Tronic transformers with 2-wire connection technology. - - Auxiliary operation possible.sw.. Successor item: System 3000 electronic switching insert 5405 00 System 2000 Tronic switching insert D Discontinued item. Technical data Circuit breaker: MOS-FET Rated voltage: 230 50/60 Hz Connected load - - Light bulbs: 420 W - - halogen lamps: 420 W - - Gira Tronic transformer: 420 W Auxiliary inputs - - Non-illuminated mechanical buttons: unlimited - - Auxiliary insert, 2-wire: unlimited - - Auxiliary insert, 3-wire: Cable length auxiliary unit: max. Available until 12/2019. Technical data Circuit breaker: Triac Rated voltage: 230 50/60 Hz Connected load - - Light bulbs: 400 W - - halogen lamps: 400 W - - wound transformer with at least rated load: 40 400 VA Auxiliary inputs - - Non-illuminated mechanical buttons: unlimited - - Auxiliary insert, 2-wire: unlimited - - Auxiliary insert, 3-wire: Cable length auxiliary unit: max. LED 2375 D283 Auxiliary inputs S2000 aux