The Gira
System 2000 touch dimmer top unit responds light touch it
works with capacitive sensor technology. Please order those separately.
Versatile manual lighting control
There are various operating top units for manual lighting control in
the Gira design lines. Apart from rocker and pushbutton switches,
suitable also for series connection, there are touch dimmer and
series dimmer top units for convenient lighting control.270 Gira electrical installation systems
For all Gira design lines
The Gira range offers flush-mounted inserts and other accessories for switching and
This corresponds the modular principle for all electronics products.
Controlling systems wirelessly
The Gira eNet system includes operating top units and transmitters
for wirelessly programming and operating individual lights blinds
as well complex light scenes entire groups blinds. Inserts are supplied without covers top units. The Gira series dimmer
switches and dims light sources such light bulbs and NV
halogen lamps