Poznámky redaktora
unit Specifications Order No.
Replaces 1034 00. 4-g 250 W/VA 2174 D525
WL dimm.256
Gira System 3000 Dimming
Specifications Order No.act.3 W
Connected load °C
- LED lamps (leading edge): typ.act. 2-g 300 W/VA 2172 D524
Dimm.ins. 3-wire 2389 D258
S2000 aux. 0151 D225
Power booster
S3000 uni.act.
- Automatic manual setting dimming principle according to
load (leading trailing edge).ins. Komfort 5401 D253
S3000 uni.
- Switching and dimming light bulbs, halogen lamps, electronic
transformers for halogen LED lamps, dimmable inductive
transformers for halogen LED lamps, LED compact
fluorescent lamps. Refer the technical appendix operating instructions
for reference list. 1-g 500 W/VA 2171 D523
Dimm.LED dim.dimm.
- Operation via upstream dimmer.ins. 100 m
Ambient temperature: +45 °C
- Modular widths (MW): 2
- the ambient temperature higher than °C, the connected
load must reduced. 100 W
- Light bulbs: 420 W
- halogen lamps: 420 W
- Gira tronic transformers: 420 W
- electronic transformer with
typically 100 W
- Wound transformer: 420 VA
- Wound transformer with
typically 100 VA
Auxiliary inputs
- Non-illuminated mechanical
- Auxiliary insert, 2-wire: unlimited
- Auxiliary insert, 3-wire: max.
More information
Technical information 635
N New product.aux. 1-g Mini 250 5420 D559
WL dimm.ins.
- Maximum load and number power boosters depend on
- Operation via mechanical button (NO contact), System 3000
2- 3-wire auxiliary unit System 2000 2-wire auxiliary unit.LED rot.
Technical data
Rated voltage: 230 50/60 Hz
Standby: 0.
- Switch with the last brightness set, saved switch-on
- Operation with neutral conductor connection.
- Switch-on brightness can saved permanently (possible with
System 2000 and 3000 auxiliary unit).3 W
Connected load °C
- LED lamps (leading edge): 100 W
- LED lamps (trailing edge): 200 W
- Light bulbs: 200 420 W
- halogen lamps: 200 420 W
- Gira tronic transformers: 200 420 W
- Wound transformer: 200 420 VA
Cable length
- Load: max.ins. Komfort 2455 D251
Dimm. Standard 5400 D252
S3000 uni.
System 3000 universal LED dimmer DRA
N New product.
- Bulb-saving switch-on.act. Standard 2450 D250
S3000 uni. unit PS
Gira electrical installation systems Price system (PS) 14: reduced discount
DRA 236500 2365 02
COptional accessories
Auxiliary inputs
S3000 aux.ins.dimm.act.
DRA 238300 2383 02
COptional accessories
One the following articles:
S3000 uni.LED dimm.LED pow. 4-g DRA 5431 D563
- Switching and dimming light bulbs, halogen lamps, electronic
transformers for halogen, inductive transformers for halogen, HV
LED compact fluorescent lamps.ins. 100 W
- LED lamps (trailing edge): typically 200 W
- Compact fluorescent lamp: typ.
- Electronic excess-temperature protection. 100 m
Ambient temperature: +45 °C
- Modular widths (MW): 2
- the ambient temperature higher than °C, the connected
load must reduced.
- Electronic excess-temperature protection.unit 2-wire 0333 D280
Rocker btn con.
- The connected loads are supplied via common load line. 1-g DRA 5430 D562
WL dimm. Mini 2440 D255
S3000 uni. 3-wire 5409 D258
S3000 rot.
Technical data
Rated voltage: 230 50/60 Hz
Standby: 0. 100 m
- Auxiliary unit: max.
- Electronic short-circuit protection.booster DRA 2383 D256
- Switching and dimming light bulbs, halogen lamps, electronic
transformers for halogen LED lamps, dimmable inductive
transformers for halogen LED lamps, LED compact
fluorescent lamps.
- Minimum brightness can set.LED dim.
- Display the selected operating mode using LED.
Replaces 1035 00.
System 3000 universal LED power booster DRA
.LED dimm.LED rot. DRA 2365 D256
S3000 uni.act. 10
Cable length
- Load: max. 2-wire 5408 D257
S3000 aux