Catalogue 2019 Intelligent building technology by Gira

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Vydal: SBS ELEKTRO s.r.o.

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top 2. - - Minimum brightness can set. - - Bulb-saving switch-on. unit PS Gira electrical installation systems Price system (PS) 14: reduced discount System 3000 Inserts, top units 540000 5400 02 CNecessary accessories One the following articles: S3000 op. 360° top 5377 D267 COptional accessories One the following articles: Compensation mod. Technical data Rated voltage: 230 50/60 Hz Standby: 0. - - Switch with the last brightness set, saved switch-on brightness. - - Electronic excess-temperature protection. W - - LED lamps (trailing edge): typically 120 W - - Compact fluorescent lamp: typ. unit Specifications Order No. LED 2375 D283 Power booster S3000 uni.booster DRA 2383 D256 Features - - Switching and dimming light bulbs, halogen lamps, electronic transformers for halogen LED lamps, dimmable inductive transformers for halogen LED lamps, LED compact fluorescent 1.5 W Connected load °C - - LED lamps (leading edge): typ. Replaces 0331 00. - - Display the selected operating mode using LED. System 3000 universal LED dimming insert Standard .top 2.10 Standard 5373 D264 S3000 motion detec.LED pow. - - For operation without neutral conductor, the minimum load for light bulbs, halogen lamps, Gira Tronic transformers, and wound transformers increases W. - - Operation with and without neutral conductor connection.20 Standard 5375 D265 S3000 motion 1. More information Technical information 638 N New product.1 0. motion detec. - - the ambient temperature higher than °C, the connected load must reduced. - - Switch-on brightness can saved 5360 D326 S3000 op.10 Komfort 5374 D264 S3000 motion arrow symbols 5361 D326 S3000 op. 100 m Installation depth: mm Installation: device box pursuant DIN 49073 Ambient temperature: +45 °C Notes - - general, operating the dimmer without connecting neutral conductor possible, although some LED and CFLi light sources require the neutral conductor connection prevent flickering. - - Electronic transformers and ballast devices for LED lamps can be operated with the dimming procedure stated the manufacturer. - - Automatic manual setting dimming principle according to load (leading trailing edge).20 Komfort 5376 D266 S3000 Memory 5363 D326 S3000 blind timer timer Display 5366 D326 S3000 blind timer timer 5367 D262 S3000 motion detec. - - Electronic short-circuit protection.252 Gira System 3000 Dimming Specifications Order No. W - - Light bulbs: 210 W - - halogen lamps: 210 W - - Gira tronic transformers: 210 W - - electronic transformer with NV-LED: typically W - - Wound transformer: 210 VA - - Wound transformer with NV-LED: typically VA Cable length - - Load: max