Catalogue 2019 Intelligent building technology by Gira

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Vydal: SBS ELEKTRO s.r.o.

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Poznámky redaktora
in. 1-g in.sp. in. unit Specifications Order No. 2132 D438 Rocker set 3-g in. 237500 2375 02 COptional accessories S3000 uni. - - Prevents LED lamps leading edge Gira Tronic and Gira universal dimmers, and switches with lighting element up to mA, from glowing when switched off. 5331 D551 Gira eNet wall transm. 2133 D438 Rocker set 4-g (1+3) in. - - Improves the dimming behaviour LED lamps trailing edge Gira Tronic and Gira universal dimmers. 51 labelling fields transparent 287000 2870 09 pure white 287002 2870 09 CNecessary accessories One the following articles: LED orientat. Notes - - Inscription sheets can only printed with laser printer. cm Dimensions mm W 11,5 28,5 Notes - - Can also used for any 0305 2390 dimmers already present the building.light 1171 D317 Features - - Pre-perforated inscription sheets PET foil DIN format for the Gira inscription software. (PB dim. 2145 D439 Pushbutton sensor Plus KNX sens.sp.sp. Technical data Rated voltage: 230 50/60 Hz Power loss: max.sp. 3-g in.sp.232 Flush-mounted inserts, accessories Accessories Specifications Order No.dimm.ins.sp. unit PS Gira electrical installation systems Price system (PS) 14: reduced discount Flush- mounted inserts, accessories Pushbutton sensor call button, flat wireless wall transmitter 3 labelling fields 38 109000 1090 06 Pushbutton sensor Plus 2 labelling fields 38 108900 1089 06 CNecessary accessories For 1090 00, one the following articles: Pushbutton sensor zero-voltage PB sens.ins. 1-g 5101 D457 RF sens.) 2385 D281 Features - - Enables dimmable LED lamps operated together with Gira Tronic dimmers Gira universal dimmers.sp.2 3-g zero-volt. 2142 D439 Rocker set 5-g Plus (2+3) in.sp.sp. W Housing temperature: max. Compensation module LED .ins. 3-g 5103 D457 eNet wall transmitter Gira eNet wall transm. 2001 D60 PB sens.3 Plus 2-g 5142 D436 Features - - Pre-perforated inscription sheets PET foil DIN format for the Gira inscription software. Notes - - Inscription sheets can only printed with laser printer.2 1-g zero-volt.LED dimm.light white 2361 D316 LED light RGB 1169 D316 LED sig.sp. 2145 D439 KNX pushbutton sensors KNX pushbutton sensors RF sens. Standard 2450 D250 Optimising dimming behaviour necessary S2000 uni.LED rot. 5333 D552 For 1089 one the following articles: Rocker sets Rocker set 2-g Plus in. 2134 D438 Rocker set 6-g (3+3) in.dimm. 2003 D60 Rocker sets Rocker set 1-g in. +65 (tc) Cable length: approx. 2136 D438 Rocker set 5-g Plus (2+3) in.sp. Inscription sheets for System 55/Gira E22 pushbutton sensor call button, flat wireless wall transmitter Inscription sheets for LED signal light, LED orientation light Accessories N New product.sp. Komfort 2455 D251 S3000 uni. 2131 D437 Rocker set 2-g in.LED rot