Catalogue 2019 Intelligent building technology by Gira

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4 0993000993 01 2. D 2.e. 0660 D76 One the following articles: Lighting elements Light.e.230 Flush-mounted inserts, accessories Accessories Specifications Order No.e.5 mm² - - minimum: 1. Available until 12/2019. System 55, Gira E22 red 0803200803 5/25 11 green 0801200801 5/25 11 yellow 0804200804 5/25 11 clear 0806200806 5/25 11 clear information field 0807200807 5/25 11 CNecessary accessories Cov.5 mm² Notes - - Can illuminated with lighting elements for light signal.0 0999000999 01 Light bulb 230V (similar 14) 0994000994 01 Light bulb 12V 250 0932000932 01 Light bulb 24V 125 0933000933 01 COptional accessories Light sig. light bulb 125 0933 D230 Technical data Installation depth: mm Connections - - maximum: 2. light bulb E14 0994 D230 Light. light sig. Neon lamp E10, 230 V~ Cover cap, flat and plug-in for light signal . neon lamp 0999 D230 Light. Available until 12/2019.5 mm² - - minimum: 1. light sig. Available until 12/2019.4 0993 D230 Light. Light signal insert 10 D Discontinued item. E10 0160 D230 Notes - - Suitable for light signal insert E10. 0161 D230 Notes - - Suitable for light signal insert, water-protected surface-mounted light signal and surface-mounted light signal D 0160000160 1/5 01 D Discontinued item. 0660 D76 as well as Lighting element Neon lamp E10 049705 D230 Technical data Installation depth: mm Connections - - maximum: 2.e. neon lamp E10 1. Available until 12/2019. light sig.e.0 current consumption (EBT) 049705049705 10/50 01 D Discontinued item. Light Signal and Accessories Light signal insert Lighting element for light signal D Discontinued item. light bulb 240 0932 D230 Light. COptional accessories Light sig.5 mm² Notes - - Can illuminated with neon-glow lamp E10. CNecessary accessories One the following articles: Light signal cover plates Cov. 0660 D76 Notes - - Not suitable the following light bulb elements are used 0932 00, 0933 und 0994 00. unit PS Gira electrical installation systems Price system (PS) 14: reduced discount Flush- mounted inserts, accessories 0161000161 1/5 01 CNecessary accessories One the following articles: Light signal cover plates Cov. unit Specifications Order No. Neon lamp 230 V~ (similar 10) 1