Catalogue 2019 Intelligent building technology by Gira

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Vydal: SBS ELEKTRO s.r.o.

Strana 226 z 696

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More information Technical information 630 Rocker switches Rocker switch insert 250 V~ Rocker switch insert 400 V~ Rocker switch insert 250 V~ Rocker indicator switch insert 250 with neon lamp element 230.e.5 mm² - - minimum: 1.7 0497 D229 LED light.e.7 0497 D229 LED light. unit PS Gira electrical installation systems Price system (PS) 14: reduced discount Flush- mounted inserts, accessories Universal off/2-way switch 0106000106 10/100 21 Intermediate switch 0107000107 10/100 01 Circuit breaker, 2-pole 0102000102 10/100 01 CNecessary accessories Rockers can find the following design lines starting from Rocker 0296 . 0.5 mm² - - minimum: 1. unit Specifications Order No. 0.224 Flush-mounted inserts, accessories Rocker switches Specifications Order No.e.6 0497 D229 LED light. 0. - - System D53 - - E22 aluminium D160 COptional accessories Neon lamp elements Neon lamp element 0.5 0997 D229 LED lighting elements LED light.e.e.8 0497 D229 LED light.e. 0290 . 0992 D229 LED light.5 mm² More information Technical information 630 Universal off/2-way switch 0116000116 10/100 01 Circuit breaker, 2-pole 0112000112 10/100 01 CNecessary accessories Rockers can find the following design lines starting from Rocker ctrl. 2.e.e.5 mm² - - minimum: 1...5 0997 D229 LED lighting elements LED light. 2. colour-neutral 1405 D229 Technical data Installation depth: mm Connections - - maximum: 2. More information Technical information 630 Circuit breaker 3-pole 0103000103 01 CNecessary accessories Rockers can find the following design lines starting from Rocker 0296 .e.e.6 0497 D229 LED light. - - System D56 - - E22 aluminium D161 Rocker 2-g seal IP44 0266 D56 Technical data Installation depth - - 0105 00: mm - - 0108 00: mm Connections - - maximum: 2. - - System D53 - - E22 aluminium D160 Features - - With screw terminals. Technical data Installation depth: mm Connections - - maximum: 2.5 mm² More information Technical information 630 Series switch 0105000105 10/100 01 2-way switch, 2-gang 0108000108 10/100 01 CNecessary accessories One the following articles: Rocker 2-g 0295 . colour-neutral 1405 D229 Technical data Installation depth: mm Connections - - maximum: 2.6 0497 D229 LED light.8 0996 D229 Neon lamp element 1.e. 0.. 0992 D229 LED light.5 mm² Notes - - Can also connected with illumination.8 0996 D229 Neon lamp element 1.35 0995 D229 Neon lamp element 0.8 0497 D229 LED light. - - System D57 - - E22 aluminium D161 COptional accessories Neon lamp elements Neon lamp element 0. 2.e.5 mm² - - minimum: 1.6 0497 D229 LED light..5 mm² Notes - - Can also connected with illumination.35 0995 D229 Neon lamp element 0