Poznámky redaktora
sheets 51. 4-g 0258 D78
Central pl.
Cover for cable branch and telecommunications
connector socket
Communication technology
aluminium 02742030274 203 11
CNecessary accessories
Plug-in cover cap with adapter frame for
devices with cover plate (50 mm) and
angled socket outlet
D Discontinued item.
aluminium 06812030681 203 11
- Devices other manufacturers with square central plates
can integrated the switch range with this adapter frame
and frame 5-gang).g.5
BICC, Siemens ICCS 100 and 300, Telegärtner, Telenorma,
TKM, Quante, Panduit (2-gang MSCSP can integrated
into the design line.
Scope supply
- Support ring not included the scope supply.branch 5-p 0400 D233
- Fits all common telecommunications connector sockets. Available until 12/2019. Deutsche
Telekom, Drahtex, Hirose, Kannegieter BICC Brand Rex,
Kerpen ELine 600, Krone, Molex, Nedap, Panduit, Quante,
Reichle Massari, Rutenbeck, Schumann Netzwerktechnik,
HomeWay, Siemens ICCS 100, 300 and 600, Telegärtner,
Telenorma, TKM RJ45 shielded, Cat. can integrated
into the design line with the adapter frame and cover frame
(1-gang 5-gang). Available until 12/2019. Available until 12/2019.183
Communication Accessories E22 aluminium
Specifications Order No. Alcatel, AMP Econo Link System,
Brand-Rex, METZ CONNECT (BTR), Kannegieter BICC Brand
Rex, Krone, Molex, Reichle Massari, Rutenbeck,
Schumann Netzwerktechnik RJ45 connection box Cat.
Adapter frame with round cut-out and hinged
cover with inscription space for devices with
cover (50 mm)
D Discontinued item. unit Specifications Order No.
Scope supply
- Blank inscription label included.2 1455 D231
- With this cover cap and frame (1-gang 5-gang), devices
with square central plate (50 mm) from other
manufacturers, e. unit PS
Price system (PS) 14: reduced discount Gira electrical installation systems
aluminium 06822030682 203 11
COptional accessories
In. 4-g 0259 D78
- Devices with square central plate (50 mm) from other
manufacturers, Alcatel, AMP Econo Link System,
Brand-Rex, BTR, Cellpack ITT Cannon Cat.
Adapter frame with square cut-out for devices
with cover (50 mm)
D Discontinued item. Available until 12/2019.
Aluminium (lacquered) 02822030282 203 11
COptional accessories
Central pl.
Cross reference
Product range overview and functional
description D421
D Discontinued item