Catalogue 2019 Intelligent building technology by Gira

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Vydal: SBS ELEKTRO s.r.o.

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Poznámky redaktora
Available until 12/2019. Aluminium (lacquered) 2001203 2001 203 02 COptional accessories In.e. colour-neutral 1405 D229 Features - - Applications the hotel-card button with disassembly safeguard include performing security and energy-saving functions. 2.7 0497 D229 LED light.8 0497 D229 LED light. - - The electric circuit via the push button only activated when the card has been inserted.5 0997 D229 LED lighting elements LED light.5 1453 D231 Neon lamp elements Neon lamp element 0.e. Pushbutton sensor 1-gang zero-voltage with inscription space D Discontinued item. - - When the hotel card removed, any devices which are still switched are deactivated. Notes - - Further versions are available upon request. 0992 D229 LED light. Available until 12/2019. 0. Blank cover plate with support ring .sheets 1090 D232 Functional description D60 Aluminium (lacquered) 2003203 2003 203 02 COptional accessories In. Available until 12/2019.e.6 0497 D229 LED light. 0/1/2/3 0149 D229 2-way momentary-contact, 1-pole aluminium 01402030140 203 11 COptional accessories In. unit PS Gira electrical installation systems Price system (PS) 14: reduced discount E22 aluminium Zero setting aluminium 06692030669 203 02 CNecessary accessories 3-stage sw.6 0497 D229 LED light.e. Scope supply - - Blank inscription label included. Pushbutton sensor 3-gang zero-voltage with inscription space D Discontinued item.sheets 1090 D232 Functional description D60 aluminium 02682030268 203 11 Notes - - For screw mounting only.162 E22 aluminium Switching and pressing Specifications Order No. D Discontinued item. Hotel-card button 250 can be illuminated with inscription space D Discontinued item.e. unit Specifications Order No.8 0996 D229 Neon lamp element 1. Cover with toggle switch for three-stage switch D Discontinued item.e.sheets 54. 0. Available until 12/2019. Available until 12/2019.35 0995 D229 Neon lamp element 0. 2