.ins. Available until 12/2019. aux.btn 1-g 2-point status LED 0184 D443
British Standard rocker switch (BS 60669-1)
3-gang with rockers
D Discontinued item.inputs 5414 D325
Functional description D260
aluminium 5369203 5369 203 02
COptional accessories
S3000 op. Standard 5400 D252
S3000 uni. 0107 D224
Rocker sw.ins. 0854 D277
S2000 relay ins.ins. 2-p 0102 D224
Rocker sw.
System 3000 operating top unit
N New product..ins. w/o aux.
System 2000 touch switching top unit
D Discontinued item.
. 0151 D225
Rocker btn 2-way m-c 0156 D225
Rocker btn con.sw.sig.LED dimm. unit PS
Gira electrical installation systems Price system (PS) 14: reduced discount
Support ring mm, 1-way switch
aluminium 2830203 2830 203 29
CNecessary accessories
Cover frames British Standard for support ring mm
Technical data
Installation depth: mm
- maximum: 2.ins. 0303 D278
- Switching top unit for use with the System 2000 switch
inserts. zero-volt..5 mm²
- minimum: 1. 0150 D225
Rocker btn con.LED dimm.ins. Available until 12/2019.
- The lighting switched and off touching the surface.ins. 0853 D278
S2000 relay ins..btn 1-g 1-point status LED 0181 D443
Bus coup.
System 3000 rocker, 2-gang, unprinted
D Discontinued item.
aluminium 02962030296 203 11
CNecessary accessories
One the following articles:
Rocker sw. interm.5 mm²
- minimum: 1.top Memory 5363 D261
S3000 blind timer timer 5367 D262
Functional description D267
Aluminium (lacquered) 2261203 2261 203 1/5 02
CNecessary accessories
One the following articles:
S2000 Tronic swit. 5406 D257
S3000 aux.160
E22 aluminium Switching and pressing
Specifications Order No.
British Standard rocker switch (BS 60669-1)
3-gang with rockers
N New product. 0152 D225
Bus coup.ins. Available until 12/2019. off/2-way 0106 D224
Rocker sw. Komfort 5401 D253
S3000 DALI Power ctrl., 2324 .swit.unit ins.ins. s.inputs 5415 D325
S3000 blind ctrl.
Replaces 0634 .5 mm²
- For screw mounting only. 2-wire 5408 D257
S3000 aux.ins. unit Specifications Order No.
Technical data
Installation depth: mm
- maximum: 2. 5403 D248
S3000 electr. 1148 D278
S2000 HVAC relay ins.5 mm²
Support ring mm, universal off/2-way switch
aluminium 2832203 2832 203 29
CNecessary accessories
Cover frames British Standard for support ring mm
- With screw terminals.
aluminium 5360203 5360 203 02
CNecessary accessories
One the following articles:
S3000 relay swit.
- blue orientation LED lights long the load is
switched off and goes off when switched on.
- Lighting controlled lightly touching the operating
surface, without the movement mechanical elements. 3-p 0103 D224
Rocker btn con. 3-wire 5409 D258
S3000 impulse insert 5410 D249
S3000 blind ctrl. 0866 D277
S2000 Triac swit., 2316 . 5405 D249
S3000 uni. term