Catalogue 2019 Intelligent building technology by Gira

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Vydal: SBS ELEKTRO s.r.o.

Strana 127 z 696

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unit PS Price system (PS) 14: reduced discount Gira electrical installation systems Event Opaque System 55 Features - - Shatter-proof. unit Specifications Order No. white with pure white glossy intermediate frame 1-gang 02113340211 334 10/100 01 2-gang 02123340212 334 10/100 01 2-gang without crossbar 1002334 1002 334 01 3-gang 02133340213 334 1/5 01 4-gang 02143340214 334 1/5 01 5-gang 02153340215 334 1/5 01 white with anthracite intermediate frame 1-gang 0211240211 11 2-gang 0212240212 11 2-gang without crossbar 100224 1002 11 3-gang 0213240213 1/5 11 4-gang 0214240214 1/5 11 5-gang 0215240215 1/5 11 white with colour aluminium intermediate frame 1-gang 0211500211 11 2-gang 0212500212 11 2-gang without crossbar 100250 1002 11 3-gang 0213500213 1/5 11 4-gang 0214500214 1/5 11 5-gang 0215500215 1/5 11 mint with pure white glossy intermediate frame 1-gang 02113950211 395 11 2-gang 02123950212 395 11 2-gang without crossbar 1002395 1002 395 11 3-gang 02133950213 395 1/5 11 4-gang 02143950214 395 1/5 11 5-gang 02153950215 395 1/5 11 mint with anthracite intermediate frame 1-gang 0211850211 11 2-gang 0212850212 11 2-gang without crossbar 100285 1002 11 3-gang 0213850213 1/5 11 4-gang 0214850214 1/5 11 5-gang 0215850215 1/5 11 mint with colour aluminium intermediate frame 1-gang 0211510211 11 2-gang 0212510212 11 2-gang without crossbar 100251 1002 11 3-gang 0213510213 1/5 11 4-gang 0214510214 1/5 11 5-gang 0215510215 1/5 11 Gira Event Opaque frames Gira Event Opaque frames Gira Event Opaque frames Gira Event Opaque frames Gira Event Opaque frames Gira Event Opaque frames Gira Event Opaque frames .125 Cover frame Event Opaque Specifications Order No