Terminal blocks Klippon Connect

| Kategorie: Katalog  |

Vydal: Weidmüller, s.r.o.

Strana 749 z 838

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de/wmc Fast Delivery Mounting accessories C.Installation Klippon® Services Klippon® Services combines consultancy, planning, application expertise and industry know-how.23 3029140000 C . deliver even individually assembled products anywhere within short time. Highlight Our Fast Delivery Service real highlight our service range that offers easily configure and request assembled terminal strips, empty assembled enclosures with the Weidmüller Configurator WMC. The offer provided within just few minutes including order numbers for direct ordering available 24/7. Configuration and ordering are simple with the Weidmüller Configurator www. Order quantities start one. We guarantee quick, qualityfocused production and order-based availability.weidmueller. Thereby you will reduce costs, increase efficiency, and simplify quality management. An order will dispatched from Germany after just four days when certain service level selected. You benefit from our one-stop production services