Terminal blocks Klippon Connect

| Kategorie: Katalog  |

Vydal: Weidmüller, s.r.o.

Strana 748 z 838

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Installation For every industry and every application Klippon® Protect enclosure system gives safety and protection connection solutions Enclosures fulfil important safety function and prove their worth every day, even under the toughest conditions. These application solutions are based high quality and comprehensive approvals for explosive risk zones. Our promise The flexible Klippon® Protect enclosure system the perfect addition our Klippon® Connect range terminal blocks. They are flexible enough for optimal adaptation your requirements. The matching system accessories enable simple integration, expansion, and customisation. All industries have their own specific requirements terms enclosure technology from machine construction through transport and energy engineering the process industry. You can obtain distribution boxes, terminal boxes or command and signalling devices well from single source consistent enclosure design for maximal safety, reliable functionality and low follow-up costs for maintenance, replacement and storage. Either one guarantees excellent protection for your assembly. These products cover all relevant approvals required for use industrial and explosive risk zones. Klippon® Services completes our products range with optimal support for your processes. You can rely our assembled enclosures offer custom fit your requirements and provide excellent protection. More detailed information our wide range Klippon® Protect enclosure systems can found www.22 3029140000 C . With Klippon® Protect, you can choose from a wide range universal and application-specific enclosures.weidmueller. Mounting accessories C. Application range Our Klippon® Protect application range provides solutions for monitoring and safety, measurement and control technology, and power distribution. With these robust enclosures, you can implement various field applications to suit your requirements.com/klipponprotect Universal range The universal enclosures Klippon® Protect are made of stainless steel, aluminium, plastic