Terminal blocks Klippon Connect

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Vydal: Weidmüller, s.r.o.

Strana 120 z 838

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Poznámky redaktora
14 AWG 26.5.5 1..1.5 1000 2007100000 DEK 5/3.5 13 1.0 mm Type Qty.5 0..5/6 1513690000 APG 2.5/10 2482430000 APG 1.5/4 2457600000 DEK 5/5 PLUS 1000 1854490000 WS 8/5 800 2007150000 WS 10/5 720 1792000000 In accordance with IEC 60947-7-1 Spring connection with PUSH technology (A-Series) Pluggable terminal blocks .5 31..5 0...5 2482740000 APGSR 1. Order No. cross-section A/mm² Max. APG 2.5. 2.5 2482730000 APGSR 1..5/5-3BG-BL-GN 2482440000 Type Qty. clamping range mm² Ordering data Version 1-pole 2-pole 3-pole 4-pole 5-pole 6-pole 7-pole 8-pole 9-pole 10-pole 4-poles/3x beige, green 3-poles/1xbeige, blue, green 5-poles/3xbeige, blue, green Note For detailed information other accessories and application the online catalogue Accessories End plate dark beige Coding Cover Interlock Strain relief Marking tags APG 1.5.5 0.4 2..5.5 24 2. APG 1...1...2. Order No.5.5 2035590000 APGCE 1514490000 APGPC 2.5 PLUS 960 2003760000 DEK 5/3.5/3 2482360000 APG 1.5 0..5/6 2482390000 APG 1..5 0.5/5-3BG-BL-GN 1513780000 Type Qty.5/9 1513740000 APG 2.5 1514500000 APGLE 2.12 AWG 28. 1.5/5 2482380000 APG 1.14. MCV APG 2...5/4 2457570000 APGSR 2.5 IEC CSA 60079-7 500 300 300 17.5/2 1513640000 APG 2.5 AWG 26.15 17.5 mm Type Qty. MCV APG 1.5..5/3-BG-BL-GN 1513820000 APG 2.5 IEC CSA 60079-7 800 600 600 24 20 2.5/2 2482350000 APG 1..5 2485980000 APGCE 1514490000 APGPC 1.5/8 1513730000 APG 2.5/1 2482340000 APG 1.5.A Universal range A.2.6 3.. Order No.5 0.5/3-BG-BL-GN 2482460000 APG 1.2.5 2482720000 APGSR 1.5.5/8 2482410000 APG 1.5/7 1513700000 APG 2.1 10 0.14 6 3 A1 V-0 r { Rated connection Plug-in connection 0.5/9 2482420000 APG 1.5/5 1513680000 APG 2.5.5 0.5/4 1513670000 APG 2...2.5 0. cond..5 10 0.5/3 1513650000 APG 2.5 2482750000 WS 10/3.5 mm² 3..5 2482530000 APGLE 1.5 mm² 5..5 42...1...5.5/1 1513720000 APG 2.106 3029140000 Technical data Rated data Rated voltage V Max.12 8 3 A3 V-0 ?% { Rated connection Plug-in connection 0.5/4 2457580000 APGSR 2. current max..5 PLUS 1600 2003750000 In accordance with IEC 60947-7-1 APG 2.5/4 2482370000 APG 1. voltage clamp support pluggable system - Rated current A for wire cross-section mm² Rated impulse withstand voltage Pollution severity Gauge IEC 60947-1 flammability rating Approvals Clamped conductors Solid Stranded mm² Flexible Flexible with ferrule mm² Stripping length Blade size mm/- Note Width/Height/Depth mm max.14..1 16. Order No..5/7 2482400000 APG 1.2...5 AWG 28.5/10 1513770000 APG 2.1.5/4 2457590000 APGSR 2